New Start?

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Lexi's POV

I wake up to a knock on my door. I get up and quickly put on a hoodie and put my hair up. I open the door to see my mom. She has tears in her eyes and bags in her hands. She has bruises all over. I look at her sadly. "What happened." I ask letting her in. She hugs me as she cries. "I was dating this guy and he was abusive and I was living with him and I had enough of it." She says. "You can stay with me if you want." I say. I wouldn't normally do this but I can tell she's sober and has changed. Before she would've just dealt with it. "Really?" She asks looking at me with hope in her eyes. I nod. "You can stay in the guest room. Go put your stuff up while I talk to Jordan." I say smiling. She nods and I show her where it is. I go back down stairs and knock on Jordan's door.

"Come in!" I hear her yell from the other side. I walk in and sit beside her on her bed. "I need to talk to you about something" I say my anxiety building up. "Ok?" She says sitting up. "My moms moving in." I say with a small smile. "What! Please tell me your joking." She says pissed off. "What? Maybe this can be good! It can be a new start." I say. "No fuck that if she moves in I'm moving out." She says standing up. "Jordan please this is my mom I need to at least know what it's like. If it's that bad after a few weeks she can find somewhere else." I say. "No fuck that Lexi I'm leaving." She says grabbing a bag and packing her stuff. "Where are you going to go?" I ask. "I don't know I'll figure it out but just know this will be the worst mistake of your life, I'm not gonna let you fuck up my life like you fuck everything else up." She says. I feel my heart shatter. She turns around and looks at me. "Lexi I didn't mean that." She says. "It's fine finish packing and I'll go see if you can stay with Kevin and them." I say walking out. 

    I go and knock on Colby's door. A girl opens the door. "Oh you must be Lexi." She says sweetly. I smile and nod. "Hi I'm Amber I'm a friend of Colby." She says smiling. I smile and we shake hands. Colby walks out and see's me. "Hey Lex whats up?" He asks. I look at him with tears in my eyes. "Umm can we talk?" I ask. "I was actually about to take Amber out somewhere so can it wait?" He asks. I nod and go downstairs and outside. I start walking. DO I really fuck everything up? Am I ruining Jordan's life? Will this be a mistake? After 30 minutes of walking and thinking I find myself at Brennens. I go and knock. He answers the door immediately. "Oh hey lexi, Did you uber or something." He asks. I shake my head. He looks at me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod. He let's me in and we go and sit on his couch. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks wiping away a tear I didn't know had fallen. "I keep fucking up over and over again and I can't stop and it's like I wanna die but at the same time I couldn't kill myself cause we all know how well that always works out bc I'm a dumb ass and." He cuts me off. "Lexi calm down and breath. Your ok, You haven't fucked up anything and don't say you want to die because you know we all would be hurt." He says. "You don't understand! I let my mom move in today and Jordan is moving out, I feel like I've lost Colby completely and I did something that could ruin every friendship I have." I say crying.

    "Whatever you did can't be that bad, and for all we know your mom really has changed and is going to do good maybe you guys will bond in the time she's with you and as far as it goes with Jordan, she's just a moody teenager she'll be back before you know it." He says giving me a smile. I smile back. "What was the thing you did?" He asks. "Um I need to call Kevin." I say walking away and pulling out my phone. I call him and hew answers on the second ring. "Whats up its your favorite dad aka sugar k." He says. "Kevin if you answer the phone like that again I will slap you." I say jokingly. "well damn bitch okay, what's up though?" He asks. "Its a long story but can Jordan um move in for a little bit." I ask. "Yeah of course I miss my little crack baby but what happened?" He asks. "I'll explain later but she's at the apartment if you want to go get her." I say. "Okay text her and tell her i'm on my way." He says. " Okay bye." I say hanging up. I text her and tell her before going and sitting down on the couch again.

   "So what did you do?" He asks. "I can't tell you." I say. "Oh come on it can't be that bad, I promise I won't tell anyone or stop being your friend." He says. "Swear?" I ask. He nods. "IsleptwithMike." I say super fast. "One more time?" He asks. "I slept with Mike!" I say putting my head in my hands. "That's what I thought you said." He says standing up. "Omg are you mad at me now?" I ask feeling bad. "Nope just that your life seems pretty stress inducing atm and that's a lot for me to take in so I'm grabbing the cure." He says walking into his kitchen. "The cure?" I ask confused as hell. He walks out with Tequila. "This is a nice invention called Tequila, I know you've had it and it does wonders." He says smiling. I smile back and he sits down. We don't bother with cups or shot glasses we just drink straight from the bottle. Hopefully I won't fuck this up either.

   Spoke to soon ig.

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