The Test

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Lexis POV

   Kat arrives and I get in the back since Sams in the front. "Okay so what's going on?" Sam says. "I need a pregnancy test." I say. "Oh shit umm ok let's think of pros and cons and what the plan is." Sam says. "I'm scared I jut turned 18! And just started a YouTube channel." I say. "Oh yea I heard your song I love it so much." Kat says. We get to the store since it's not even that far. "Ok so if you are, are you gonna keep it?" Sam asks. "I mean i would love to but what about Colby?" I ask. "Don't worry he would want the same thing." Kat says. I sigh and we get out going into target. We go to the pregnancy tests and get 2 tests. "I'm so scared." I say. "Hey if you are don't worry you would be an amazing mom!" Kat says. "Wait didn't you drink the other night?" Sam asks. My heart starts racing. "Oh my god if I am pregnant can't that mess with the baby!" I say freaking out. "You only had like 3 shots I'm sure everything's fine." Kat says. It kinda gives me relief. We check out then speed home. I'm so not ready.

  We pull in and I run upstairs needing to pee. I grab the pregnancy tests and take them out. I do my thing and then go into mine and Colby's room. Katz sitting on the bed so I sit next to her. I ended up taking 4 since there were to in each box. We talk about the goods and they actually out way the bad. The 5 minutes go by slowly. "Lexi Umm it's time." She says. I get up and we go to the bathroom. All of them have 2 lines. I'm pregnant. "Lexi you're pregnant!" Kat says excitedly. I kinda get excited till Colby walks in. "Ok what's the news?" He asks. Kat looks at me. "I'll give you guys privacy." She says walking out. "I'm pregnant." I say with a smile. "Are you happy about it?" He says. "I mean yea I'm pretty excited now what about you?" I ask scared his reaction will be bad. "Hell Yeah I'm gonna be a dad!" He says hugging me and picking me up. He sets me down. "I love you so much." He says kissing me. "Should we tell them?" I ask. "Yea but we should record it cause like content also I wanna be able to watch it back." Colby says. I laugh a little and grab a test. Colby grabs his camera. I decide on telling Aaron first. I knock before walking in.

  "Pause the game this is important." I say sitting on his bed while he sits at his desk. "Ok what's up." He says turning around. "So umm here." I say to scared to tell him and hand him the test. "Wait what! Are you serious?" He says excitedly. I nod and smile. "This isn't a prank is it?" He asks. "I promise." I say. He gets up and hugs me. "Congratulations omg Your gonna be an amazing mom!" He says. He hugs Colby. "I'm totally gonna be his favorite uncle!" He says excitedly. We talk a little then go into Sams room. "What's the news?" He asks. I laugh a little. "That's exactly what Colby said." I say. "I'm pregnant." I say smiling. "It's good right?" He asks. I nod he hugs me and Colby congratulating us. "Dude this kids gonna be such a trouble maker." Sam says. "Oh yeah they are." Colby says giving him a high five. Me and Kat laugh a little. Then we go downstairs to tell Corey jake Devin and Elton.

  We knock and go into Corey and Devins room. "Hey guys what's up." Devin says. "We need to tell you guys something." Colby says. "Your scaring me, this better not be a prank." Corey says. "Umm so we're all adults here." Colby says. "Yea, kinda Corey has the mental state of a 7 year old." Devin says causing me to laugh a little. "Ok so umm basically I'm gonna be a dad." Colby says. "Wait what!" Devin says looking shocked. "Seriously?!?" Corey yells. I nod my head and Devin runs over hugging me. "Omg congratulations I support you 100 percent and I'll be here every step of the way." She says excitedly. "Thank you." I say. Corey hugs us both. "Oh my god dude!" He says jumping up and down smiling. "There's gonna be a little baby running around here." Corey says. I giggle. "How far along are you?" He asks. "I'm not sure I'm guessing like 2 and a half weeks maybe." I say. "We need to find a good doctor, me you and Kat can do some research later." Devin says. I nod. We go out and see jake and Elton in the kitchen. I know Elton's gonna have a bad reaction to it immediately.

  "Hey we need to talk to you guys." Colby says. I can tell he's nervous. "What's up?" Elton asks taking a drink of his Gatorade. "Umm so I'm pregnant." I say. Elton spits out his drink and jake starts choking on his food. "Your what!" Elton yells obviously pissed. "I'm pregnant." I say. "Is this a fucking prank?" He yells. "No we're recording for memories, here's the test." Colby says handing it to him. "Congrats dude." Jake says smiling. "Colby I'm giving you 5 seconds to fucking run." Elton says. He's pretty protective over me. "Listen Elton it's gonna be ok." Colby says. He tries to reason with him as Elton counts down but doesn't work and Elton takes off after him. Colby turns and starts running. "Elton stop!" I yell as he tackles Colby. I don't know what to do so I yell for Corey and Sam. Corey runs out. "Dude Elton Get the fuck off of him!" Corey says trying to get him off Colby. "She's fucking 18 dude you dumbass do you not know how to use a condom." He yells still trying to go after him. He turns to me. "I didn't think you were this fucking stupid." He says. Corey let's go if him and he just walks outside. I brush it off knowing he's just mad at the moment and he'll come around eventually.

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