Late Night Talks

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Mikes pov
"Lexi I need you to stay awake." I say. "I'm wide awake let's go fuck shit up!" She says jumping forgetting what position we were in. "Hey mike you're legs are in the way of my legs." She says looking up at me. "You need some food." I say smiling. "I need dick." She says. "Umm I don't think you do." I say giggling. "You know if it wouldn't make shit weird between us I would totally fuck you." She says. "Yeah you definitely need water." I say laughing. I turn to where my backs facing her but we're in the same position. I look around trying to see Sam but there's to many people. I feel her moving around so I turn back. Her shirts off. "Lexi put it back on." I say trying not to smile. This girl is fucking crazy. "It was uncomfortable." She says throwing it. I quickly take off my hoodie and put it on her. "This is comfier and smells good." She says. I smile and laugh a little. Sam comes back with a random guy. "Is He the guy?" I ask him he nods. "What did she have?" I ask. "I'm not 100 percent sure but it won't hurt her." He says. "How the fuck do you know that!" I say obviously worried.

   "I've done my research dude trust me I wouldn't have given it to her if it would hurt her." He says. "Okay whatever." I say. "I'm gonna take her home with me do you mind keeping an eye on the place." I ask Sam. "Go ahead I'll lock the door after everyone leaves." He says. "Can you go grab her a shirt and leggings or sweat pants?" I ask. "Yeah give me a second." He says running into her room. "You need to drink and stop being so tense." She says. "Lexi if I move you realize you can fall right?" I ask. "No why?" She says. "I suggest you calm down." I say jokingly. "You're willing to hurt me wowww." She says in disbelief. I see Sam walking over with a bag of her stuff. "Ready to get down?" I ask looking at her. "On my knees or? I'm joking I'm joking." She says. "She's very perverted when intoxicated." Sam says laughing. I move aside helping her down as he hands me her bag. "Thanks man peace." I say. I hep Lexi walk till we get outside her apartment. "You're to short for this shit come here." I say picking her up bridal style. She wraps her arms around my neck and puts her head on me. "Where are we going?" She asks. "Back to my place." I say. "Woah now you didn't ask consent." She says. "Lexi May I have consent to take you back to my house as a friend and do no type of sexual activity?" I ask looking her in the eyes. "Yes you may." She says making me roll my eyes and laugh. We make it outside and I put her in the car. I strap her in and close the door before getting on my side and driving off.

*time skip*

I get her inside and take her to my room. "You can change or whatever you need to do I'll go get you some water." I say walking out of the room. I go and grab a water. I go back and knock on the door before entering. "I can't get my shorts off." She says wiggling around on the bed. "You're lucky I'm a nice guy." I say jokingly. I go over unbuttoning and zipping her shorts. I turn around as she takes it off. I get in her bag throwing her a pair of sweatpants. "I'm ok now." She says. I turn around and hand her the water. I go to walk out but she stops me. "Please don't leave." She says sitting on my bed. "Why not?" I ask. "I just want company right now please." She says. I sigh and get on the bed laying down. "Is it okay if I cuddle with you?" She asks. "Yeah." I say opening my arms. She puts her head on my chest. I put my arms around her. "Can we talk?" She asks. "Yeah." I say. "We did stuff before he left to go meet her." She says breathing shakily. "He was my first." She says. "I really thought he loved me." She says wiping her tears. "I know you did, I honestly think he did and still does." I say. "Why wasn't I good enough for him?" She asks. "You were, just guys do dumb shit sometimes." I say my heart breaking. It's like she's in so much pain and I understand because I've been there and I would never wish that on someone else especially her. "Maybe if I change myself someone would actually want me." She says.

"You don't need to change yourself for a guy Lexi, you're amazing and perfect just the way you are and one day some guy will realize that." I say. "I just want to be good enough for him mike he's all I can think about and it hurts so much." She says crying into my chest. "I know it does." I say playing with her hair. "Why do guys cheat?" She asks looking up at me. I turn on my side and she scoots over a little so that we're face to face. "Some guys do it to cope with things, others do it because they just can't stay loyal; I think Colby did it because he was hurting but couldn't realize how amazing you were. You see you're an amazing bright and talented woman and someday the right persons gonna walk into your life and stay and love you for you." I say. She gives me a small smile. "Mike." She says softly. "Yeah?" I say looking into her eyes. "Thanks for being here for me and helping take care of me." She says. I wipe away her tears. "You don't have to thank me Lexi, it's what friends do." I say. She smiles. Seeing her slowly get better is an amazing experience. I can't wait for when she really is completely better. She's an amazing person who deserves the world. It sounds like I like her but I don't. She's just basically one of my best friend at this point. "You should probably get some sleep." I say turning off the light. "Can you sing me to sleep please." She asks. "Yes." I say laying back down and holding her again. I sing softly as she falls asleep. Not to long after I accidentally do the same.

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