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Lexis POV
I hear him yell over the cars. I can hear his sobs and him begging. He's faking it he wouldn't care. "Lexi please I love you like a sister!" He yells. That's when my heart stops. He really is like a brother to me but does he mean it isn't he just gonna leave me at some point. "Lexi it's ok Sam calm down and breathe." I hear another familiar voice say. "Lexi remember the song?" I hear him ask. It's Aaron. I nod. "I want it to end." I say letting go of the one bar I was hanging on for balance. I lean forward and close my eyes. Someone grabs me from behind and pulls me backwards and we both fall onto the sidewalk. I turn around. "Damnit Aaron!" I yell. "Lexi calm down it's going to be okay!" He says coming towards me. I put my hands on my head slightly pulling my hair. I start pacing back and forth. "You can't just give up! Don't you fucking understand we care about you!" Sam yells. His face red obviously he's been sobbing. "Why not everyone gives up on me why can't I give up on myself." I yell back. He starts walking towards me and Aaron tries to stop him. "Sam don't do this." He says calmly. "No she needs to get it." He says loudly and continues till he's face to face with me. "We haven't given up on you and we're not going to." He says. "Have your parents been addicted to drugs, have they walked out on you, have you." He cuts me off. "Listen you've been through fucked up shit and you blame yourself constantly even when it's not your fault! You need to stop. We fucking love you Lexi." He yells. "No you don't you think you do but I'm unlovable for fucks sake! What the fuck don't you understand!" I yell. He gets furious. "Stop saying that shit cause it's not fucking true! Colby is a piece of shit for doing this to you but he still loves you." He yells. "Don't talk to me about him" I say getting angry. "He needs you to function but he doesn't understand Colby has some shit he needs to work through and so do you just take a break and then maybe try again." He says calming down. I walk towards him pushing and punching his chest. "He doesn't love me he doesn't fucking love me." I yell. I feel myself start to crumble. All of a sudden he puts his arms around me and holds me tightly. I try to fight at first but just melt into it. "I just want him to love me." I say breaking in his grip. Like the only thing keeping me together is him, if he let go I'd fall apart. "It's ok." He says softly gently playing with my hair.

After I calm down a little another car pulls up. I look over and see Colby and Brendon. I roll my eyes. I start walking back to sams car. "Lexi stop." He yells. I continue walking when someone runs in front of me. I look up and see Brendon. "Talk to him." He says. "I'm not in the mood." I say trying to walk past him. He gets in front of me yet again. "You're the one that fucked up this time you can't blame everything on him all the time." He says. "I'd really appreciate it if you would fuck off and keep your bullshit to yourself." I say trying not to lose my cool. "Dude leave her alone." Sam says coming up behind me. "No one of these days she has to grow the fuck up and get over this shit." He says. "Get the fuck out of my way right now before I punch you. "Go talk to your boyfriend first." He says. I turn and look at Colby then turn back to Brendon. "I don't have a boyfriend anymore didn't you hear." I say. "Lexi stop." Sam whispers in my ear. "Nah let her do what she wants Sam after all it's her life she's fucking up." He says. I punch him in the face as hard as I can cause him to lose balance. "What the actual fuck!" He yells. "I told you didn't I?" I say walking away and getting in sams car. Sam gets in and starts the car and we drive off. "So that's how you broke up with Colby." He says. What did I just do. "It had to happen sooner or later." I say looking out the window. Sam looks at me then back at the road. "Will you help me pack my stuff when we get back?" I ask him. "What why?" He says worried. "I can't live in the same house as my ex, I guess I need to go talk to my mom." I say taking a deep breath. "Your insane if I think I'm gonna let you go back there." He says. "Sam I have no where else to go what do you want me to do." I say frustrated. "We'll figure something out until then just stay in Aaron's room with him until we get this figured out." He says. "Fine I just don't wanna start drama." I say as we pull into the driveway.  "It'll be ok." He says. I look over and see Colby going inside. I just wanna hug him. We both get out of the car and go in. I check my phone and see it's at 10. I hope he's not in the room.

I walk in as he's taking off his shirt. My face goes red. "Calm down nothing you haven't seen before oh wait your my ex now." He says. I look down at my feet. "C-can I get my charger." I say quietly. He sighs and I hear him sit on the bed. "Can we please just talk." He says his voice breaking. I nod and sit at the foot of the bed. "Please don't leave me." He says sitting up looking me in the eyes. "I am so sorry words can't even describe how sorry I am Lexi. Please please don't do this." He begs tears in his eyes. I stand up. "I-i." He gets up and comes towards me. He leans in and whispers in my ear. "Maybe this'll help you decide." He puts his lips on mine and we kiss patiently. Our mouths form together perfectly and our lips move together in harmony. I pull away. "I love you so much, but do you love me?" I ask looking up at him. "I always will love you Lexi and I hope one day we can stand in front of our friends and family and say our vows." He says. And just like that it's like nothing ever happened.

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