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Lexi's POV

   I sign the release papers and go to the bathroom. I change into leggings and one of Colby's hoodies. I walk out and see Colby on the phone. He hangs up and walks over to me. He kisses my cheek. "We have to get your prescription before we go home." He says. I nod. "Are you okay? You've been pretty quiet." He says giving me a concerned look. "I'm fine just tired." I say. "Okay." He says taking my hand. We walk out and get in his car.

    We go the pharmacy and get my pain killers, antibiotics and bandages. "Do you wanna get Starbucks?" He asks. "Is that even a question?" I ask jokingly. He smiles and rolls his eyes. We go to Starbucks and get our drinks. My phone starts ringing and I see its a FaceTime call from Mike. I answer and see he's in my apartment. "Why are you in my house?" I ask confused. "Me and Jordan just got here." He says. "What's up bitch!" I hear Jordan yell. "Wow so disrespectful." Colby says jokingly. "We're almost there." I say with a small smile. "Okay well we cleaned you house." He says. "Thanks." I say smiling. "Okay love you guys see ya soon." He says. "Love you too." I say and hang up.

    We get on the elevator and go up to my apartment. I walk out into the hallway and freeze. I start to get flashbacks. I feel someone touch me and I jump in fear. "Lexi? Are you okay?" He asks. I nod my head. "Yeah I'm fine." I say and walk into the apartment. I can tell he knows somethings off. "Hey can my friend come over?" Jordan asks sweetly. "Whats their name?" I ask. "Colton." She says smiling. "Yeah sure." I say with a small smile. "Is he more than a friend?" Mike asks with a smirk. "I mean we're talking but he hasn't asked me out yet." She says blushing. "How old is he?" Colby asks. "He's 18." She says with a small smile. "Well he better be a nice guy." He says. Me and Jordan look at each other and roll our eyes. We all go and sit on the couch. 

   A few hours go by and Colton arrives. Him and Jordan go in her room. "Shouldn't she have the door open?" Colby whispers. "Colby I trust her enough to know she's not gonna get pregnant or have sex while we're all in the living room." I say and he sits back. "I don't trust this dude." He says crossing his arms. "Colby you don't even know him." Mike says laughing. "You have a point." He says. I look at Mike and see somethings off. "Hey you need to change your bandage." Colby says looking at his phone. "I'm too scared." I say sitting back. "It's gonna get infected." Mike says looking at me. "I'll help you." Colby says getting up. We go in the bathroom. He takes off the bandage which actually hurts a lot. "Ow." I put my head back and shut my eyes tightly. "I know i'm sorry." He says as he cleans it and replaces the bandage. "Do you want your pain killers?" He asks. I nod. We go out and I take them. It doesn't take long for them to kick in and I get loopy.

Colby's POV

  She starts laughing at literally nothing. Mike starts laughing. "She's high." He says smiling. "I am not." She says and lays down putting her head on my lap. I look down at her and do a goofy face. "What the fuck." She says laughing. I laugh. "I want ice cream." She says sadly. Mike gets up and grabs her small thing of ice cream from the freezer and gives it to her. "Thank you kind sir." She says as she sits up and starts eating it. I grab the remote from beside me and turn on the TV. "Hey is it good if Kev and Aria come over?" Mike asks. "Make sure they bring my favorite webber boy." Lexi says smiling. "Don't tell Jake that, it'll start a war." I say looking at her. "Hand me my phone." She says. 

    I hand her the phone and she gets on snapchat and takes a video. "Jake listen I'm sorry but Reggie is my favorite Webber boy." She says and sends him the video. a couple of minutes pass and her phone starts going off. She answers it and I can tell it's Jake by his voice. "Your such a trader!"  He says sounding offended. "I'm just saying dude Reggie just hits different." She says jokingly. "Wow, you know if I didn't know any better I would say it sounds like your all hyped up on pain killers." He says joking. "She is." Me and Mike say at the same time. "Hey hey now let's not go throwing accusations like that around." She says. "It's technically not accusations if there right." Jake says. "Wow just fucking expose me Jake, such a good friend." She says smiling. "Okay well I'm gonna get off here because I'm better then Reggie and need to start planning on how to get you to like me more." He says and she hangs up.

     Not to long after the guys walk in. "Where's Jordan?" Aria asks. "In her room with a boy." Mike says. Kevin gets a smirk on his face and goes to her door and knocks. "Who is it?" Jordan says. "Honey it's your dad, listen I'm sorry I didn't buy you that unicorn toy you wanted but I told you your to old for toys." He says. "Fuck off Kevin!" She yells. "Come on sweetie I said I'm sorry just let me in." He says jokingly. She opens the door and flips him off before quickly shutting it. "Now is that anyway to treat your dad?" He says jokingly. Aria goes over. "Honey it's your mother just let us in." He says. "Leave us alone!" She yells laughing. Reggie grabs a pencil and paper and draws something and goes to her door sliding it under. "Seriously Reggie, a penis." She says laughing. "Here this is for the penis." Aria says and slides a condom under the door. "What the fuck Aria!" She yells. "It's better to be safe sweet heart." Kevin says. "Can I keep it though?" She asks. "What! Open the door!" Kevin yells. The door opens and it's a Colton. "Hi." He says and waves. "I don't approve of you." Kevin says. "He's just a friend." She says. "Mhm I'm pretty sure that's what every girl on Teen Mom said at one point in time." Reggie says. "Ew no gross get out." Jordan says walking over to the door and shutting it.

    They come back over to the couch and sit down. We all talk and hangout for a few hours before everyone leaves and we go to bed. "Hey I'm staying the night again." I say as I lay down in Lexi's bed. "You basically live here." She says smiling. "Shh just go with it." I say. I kiss her head and wait for her to fall asleep. I fall asleep not to long after her. 

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