Abandoned Hospital

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Lexis POV

We run into hospital and start looking around. "People's come in and out of here all the time so we need to be careful." Sam says looking around. "There's literally a penis on the wall." I say pointing at the graffiti causing Colby to laugh. "What the actual fuck." Sam says laughing. We walk around and find ourselves in a random room. "That's not creepy at all." I say pointing to a big pentagram that has a teddy bear in the middle. "It's dark out so it makes it even worse." Colby says pointing the flashlight at it. "Let's go to the psych unit." Sam says walking out of the room. Me and Colby follow him. We get into the psych unit and there's a wheelchair in the middle of the hallway. "This place just screams bad vibes." Colby says. "How much do you wanna bet there's probably paranormal shit here." Sam says. Then the wheelchair starts moving. "What the fuck!" They both whisper yell running away from it. "The ground could be unleveled and their could've been like a draft." I say shrugging it of. I suddenly feel burning on my back. "Ow What the hell." I say turning around. Nothings behind me.

"What?" Colby asks panicky. "I just feel like burning on my back, it's probably nothing." I say kind of scared. "Let me see." He says I turn around and let him lift up my hoodie. "Dude What the fuck." Sam says freaked out. Sam takes a few pictures and shows them to me. There's 3 scratches. "Those weren't there before." Colby says. "Let's ignore it and continue." I say walking away. I go into a random room and it has files all over. I grab one and read it. "A 10 year old girl was put in her for trying to kill her mom." I say as I read over it. "That's fucked up." Sam says. I put that one down and pick up another one. "Wow a 19 year old girl diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia was placed here for claiming she had 3 men after her and her mom apparently was in on it, while placed here she jumped out of the window and room 38." I say sadly. "That's so sad." Colby says. "How long ago was that?" He asks. "2002." I say sighing.

As we look at more we hear footsteps running. "Hide." Sam says. I go around and under the desk. Colby and Sam go in the closet. I cover up my flashlight. We wait a little bit till it's good to go. "Should we leave or explore some more?" Colby asks. "Explore but if we see anyone we gotta book it." Sam says seriously. We walk around till we find room 38. We go in and there's a bed with glass broke everywhere. The window is busted open. I look at the wall and read what's written on it. The men are after me and no one will help me the voices are getting louder and louder but no one will help me. Mom said she couldn't handle it I knew she was going to help the men get me, the voices said the window is the only way out. 6-19-2002. "This makes me sad." I say showing Sam and Colby. "Wow." They both say. "Do you think maybe her spirits stuck here?" Sam asks. As soon as he does there's a knock on the wall next to us. I jump and bump into Colby. "It's ok." He says giving me a small hug. "We should go." Sam says as we hear stomping. We run out going the wrong way and ending up in the morgue. "Umm so like there's blood." Colby says pointing to the table. "Last time I checked dead bodies don't bleed." Sam says freaking me out even more. I look out and see a person walking through the hallway. "Hide." I whisper. Sam and Colby run quietly to the other side of the room hiding in separate closets. I just go under the table since there's no where else. "Hello?" The person says. It sounds like a girl. I stay where I am shaking. "I thought I heard someone." She says walking away. We wait a few minutes before running. We book it down the stairs and out the window. We jump over the fence. We run 2 miles back to the car.

    "That was fun." Colby says trying to catch his breath. "Inhaler." I say wheezing. He grabs it and tosses it to me. I take two puffs and automatically feel better. "Fuck yeah it was." I say smiling. "There was a lot of sad and scary shit but besides that it was pretty interesting." Sam says smiling. My phone starts ringing and I answer it. "Where are you guys?" Mike asks worried. "Just got out, a lot of crazy shit happened but it was pretty fun." I say happily. "Any ghosts?" He asks jokingly. "I had three scratches on my back." I say. "Wait for real?" He asks. "Yeah we also Almost got caught by a random person." I say. "You guys are stupid." He says laughing. "At times, we'll be back soon tho." I say. "Okay peace." He says as I hang up. "Who was that?" Colby asks. "Mike." I say. He nods and starts driving. Even tho a lot of scary stuff happened it was fun. Way better than last time.

   We finally arrive back to the apartments and we all go our separate ways to get changed. I go into my room and put on leggings and Colby's hoodie. I walk back out and sit on the couch. "So did you have fun?" Jordan asks sitting by me. "Yeah when there wasn't scary shit happening." I say smiling. "What did you guys do?" I ask looking at her. "We mainly just ate food and watched Netflix and YouTube." She says smiling. Colby and Sam walk into my apartment sitting down. "Where's Mike?" Colby asks. "Bathroom bitch." Mike yells. Making everyone laugh. Colby puts his arm around me. "I love you." He says kissing me. "I love you too." I say smiling. Jordan starts fake gagging. "I love you bitch." I say smiling at her. "I love you too hooker." She says rolling her eyes. Mike sits by Sam. "What should we watch?" Colby asks picking up my remote going to Netflix. We all agree on a movie. About half way through I end up falling asleep on Colby. I wouldn't trade this for the world.

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