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I felt so extremely antisocial. I was having tremendous trouble letting myself go, even with the alcohol in my system, due to worries concerning studies, work and student loans, and such.

While Linda and Elise had found men to dance the night away with, Cherry and I stayed back at our table, talking.

I was no longer as drunk as I'd been an hour and a half ago, and was now coming down from the state. Loud pumping music still filled the little bit of empty space in this popular club, with lights flashing around in an almost hypnotising manner.

"Holy cow," Cherry muttered, her eyes widening and focusing on something behind me after she had sipped her cocktail through a short and bright pink straw.

"What did you just call me?" I teased with a laugh, running a hand through my hair and ruffling it up a little. Her eyes found mine before she placed her drink down onto the table, a slow grin forming onto her lips.

"You owe me big time, Lettie," she shook her head at me and reached down for her purse.

My brows furrowed a little as I watched her quite quickly gather her things and stand up after shooting me a wink.

Without saying anything, she took a few steps away from the table.

Just before I was able to start looking around to see what, or whom, had driven Cherry away, Theo the hot football player pulled back the chair next to me and casually seated himself down.

"You look a little bored, Scarlett," he raised his voice enough to be heard over the music.

I raised my brows at him, a surprised laugh leaving my lips while I took him, and his amused expression, in.

He had one arm resting on top of the backrest of his chair, his body facing my side. He did look like he'd drank a little through the night, yet so had I. Neither of us were obviously drunk, though.

"You really shouldn't start conversations like that," I told him, a hint of a tease in my voice, "I'm sure you can do better."

"What should I start with, then? What'll have you coming over to my place for the night?" His lips tugged up into a bright smile at the laugh that then left my lips at his very forward words.

I straightened up in my seat and turned my body just a little bit to face his, "just because I saved your life once doesn't mean I won't hesitate to end it, Theo."

"Don't you nurses take the Hippocratic Oath?" He questioned, watching me with a very intense and hot expression.

His other arm was casually resting on the side of the table by which we were sitting at.

"Even if I was a registered nurse, I wouldn't have yet taken the Hippocratic Oath. There's another oath that we can take," I told him, and he nodded, "so there's really nothing to protect you if you offend me."

He raised his hands up in defeat, an attractive grin making its way onto his lips.

"Wasn't meaning to offend you, love... I bought you and your friends drinks, though," he shrugged calmly.

"Thank you for those, by the way. They all freaked out," I gave him a smile, relaxing back against my seat and glancing down at my lap after I caught his eyes moving a little south from mine.

He chuckled, shaking his head a bit. "Understandable," he joked, "can I buy you another drink?"

It might've been a road to disaster when I said yes, but I really didn't mind.

Theo was incredibly good looking and, as Elise would say, had a very nice vibe about him. Besides, since this was my first free weekend in a while, I promised myself I'd spend it having fun.

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