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"Don't go," Theo's arms snaked around my waist while I chugged down a cup of coffee.

"I only have a five hour shift," I giggled gently and turned around to face him after placing the empty coffee cup onto the kitchen counter.

"Stay at mine tonight as well, Scarlett," his dark eyes looked stunning with the morning sunlight streaming in from the large window, "you still have some of your clothes here... and necessities..."

His arms tightened a little with a small smirk tugging at the right side of his lips. I hadn't felt this happy and safe in a while, feeling like nothing could bring me down.

"I really need to go, I can't be late," I told him, brows raising a little as I made my point.

"I'm driving you. I'm going to practice soon, but I'll be done by the time you get off," he began, "I'll pick you up, you'll come back here."

"I need to go home. Frosty's independent but she still needs me, you know?" I shrugged, a small smile on my lips.

His arms loosened and slid back until his hands were on my hips, "now that we're, you know, back together... I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I want you to move in with me. Here," Theo said, completely seriously. My heart rate increased, and a small and slightly surprised laugh left my lips.

"That wasn't a question..."

"Right," he chuckled and quickly glanced down at the small space between us, "will you move in with me?"

I trusted him and I loved him. I was still afraid of the scenario of something bad happening though, and me being left alone if I did live with him, if that made sense.

"I'll think about it, Theo," I spoke after a moment, "we'll continue this conversation later. Right now we really need to go."



"Good morning," I gave a smile to the old lady whose pulse I was here to check.

"Hiya, luv," she returned my smile from the hospital bed, the sides of her dark brown eyes crinkling.

"How are you feeling today, Mrs Grey?" I scanned over her statistics quickly.

"Tired," she told me, shifting on the bed a little.

I proceeded to take her pulse and chat with her a bit. It was always a priority for me to make patients feel cared for on a mental level as well.

Dr Stanley was giving me more and more independence around the hospital since I was almost done with my bachelor's degree. All my hard work and studying were being paid off with less and less stress now that I was nearing the end of this four year period.

After five hours of a rather relaxing day of clinical work at the hospital, I was ready to start leaving.

Just as I had changed out of my scrubs, Theo texted me.

From: Theo: I've parked by the front doors x

I bumped into Tim, and together we walked towards the front of the hospital.

"Her name's Mary," he was telling about a woman he had recently began seeing, "she's very lovely, you'd really like her."

I smiled, "I'd love to meet her. We should go out for drinks, the four of us."

"I have to talk to her first. We're really not that serious yet, I don't want to start moving too fast for her..." Tim explained. I knew though, that there was no way he could move too fast in a relationship.

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