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"After dinner, Scarlett," he told me, but I shook my head.

"No. Don't cut me off. You'll tell me now," I spoke sternly, eyes narrowed at the side of his face.

Alfred had driven out of the garage and was now heading towards the restaurant. The partition was once again rolled up, leaving Theo alone at my mercy.

"Theo, I'm serious. I've just about had it with you hiding clearly important things from me," I continued, genuinely growing frustrated with everything, "if you truly want us to work, you can't hide these types of things from me. Is there something between you and that woman? Carmen, right?"

"How do you know her name?" His eyes met mine, confusion written all over his face.

"She was one of the women at your practice being rude to me because of me being with you. She also said she's been trying to get you to settle down for ages," I raised my brows at him, both of us knowing there was no way for him out of this except to explain everything to me.

Theo sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking as if the control of everything he always had was now slipping.

"She's talked to you?" He asked.

"Of course she has... She made me feel like scum, I told you how it made me feel."

He was shaking his head, "she had no right to talk to you, I can't believe she'd actually do that..."

"What? Theo, why? What's between the two of you?" I was trying to get him to look over at me again.

I felt stupid, wearing the expensive and gorgeous evening gown he'd bought me. He had way too much power over me, and even wearing something he'd bought me made me feel like I was his property. I didn't like it, especially now that he was withholding information from me as if I wasn't worth it for him to even open up.

"We used to have sex, Scarlett. There's nothing between us anymore, I'm devoted to you," he was trying to assure me, "you know I am."

Through his intense and dark eyes, he was pleading for me. My hard exterior remained, not feeling well at all with this situation.

"I'm really not so sure about it anymore," I told him quietly, now looking out of the window on my side, "maybe it's best if we don't go to dinner."

"No, love," he let out a frustrated breath. He didn't have me in the palm of his hand anymore, and he knew the control he had was almost lost, "I'll tell you everything after dinner. Please. About Lucy, Carmen, your brother..."

"My brother? What does he have to do with anything?" I grew defensive. Theo just shook his head.

"Let's just have dinner and then you'll hear everything."

"Theo..." I knew he would try his best to continue dodging this subject, and I feared I would end up getting none of the answers I wanted.

"You deserve to know, Scarlett. I will tell you tonight, I just want to enjoy dinner with you first," he managed to give me a small smile, and I sighed, "you look so beautiful in that dress. I'm glad you let me buy it for you."

The necklace I had bought for him flashed through my mind. I had planned to give it to him during dinner, but now I wanted to prolong it, depending on how I would feel after he told me.

"Fine. Don't compliment me, I'm not happy with you right now."


"Is this how you do it?" I asked, trying to fight back a smile.

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