76 (R)

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I brought our empty wine glasses into the kitchen, the last of the items on the table, which we had cleaned up together.

I placed them into the dishwasher and, as I straightened up again and turned towards Theo, I witnessed him blowing his nose.

It was impossible to hold back a smile. To me, it looked incredibly adorable to see such an Alpha male type blowing his nose with such an unbothered and innocent expression.

His eyes raised up to meet mine while I folded my arms over my chest and leaned back against the counter to watch him.

Once Theo was done, he wiped his nose off and sniffled a little, before throwing the tissue away.

"You're not ill, are you?" I had to ask him as he situated himself to also lean back against the counter which was opposite from me, the physical space between us remaining.

Theo raised his brows at me with an amused smile, "if I say yes, will you start nursing over me? You know how hot I think it is when you nurse..."

I giggled and shook my head, "you need to calm your hormones." I felt like a complete hypocrite saying that at this moment.

"I'm not sick. It's just lack of sleep and shitty weather," he shrugged, also folding his arms over his chest to mirror my stance.

"Are you sure?" I pushed.


"Alright. Let me still give you something, it'll prevent a cold from coming on now that it's getting colder outside," I walked over to the island table which he was leaning back against, and reached forward to grab a small bottle of pills which I took one of every morning.

I felt Theo's body shift beside me, until his hand glided up along the back of my thigh and over my derrière, caressing me before settling down at the small of my back. I felt the heat of his front radiating against my side, and it took a lot to hold myself back.

"Take one, let me get you a glass of wat—" right as I was about to hand him the small pill, which aimed to protect from colds and other infections, his hand cupped my jaw to turn my face toward him more.

Before I could react, Theo leaned in and pressed his lips against mine in a passionate kiss.

I dropped the pill and didn't think twice about kissing him back. My body turned towards his and pressed itself up against his hard front. My arms looped around his neck, feeling like the amount of satisfaction I craved from him would make me explode.

"Such a sweet girl," he murmured against my lips, his hands on my hips to hold me firmly against him, "only for me, yes? Not to any Tims or Elliots."

I couldn't help but laugh gently, "no Tims or Elliots. Just you."

I kissed him again and let my hands run through his hair, loving the way his hands moved along my body, as if I was some sort of a Goddess to him.

My core clenched with every swipe of his tongue, a knot growing in the pit of my tummy, begging to be released. I felt electric and amazing, as well as incredibly loved.

"I've missed you so much," I murmured quietly against his lips, taking a small break from his intoxicating lips.

Even his breathing told me he felt exactly the same way I did; in desperate need of a release.

"I've missed you too. You've no idea, love," and then he was kissing me again.

* (okay i seriously need jesus. someone hook me up please and thank you x)

He turned me around so, that I was situated between the side of the island table and him.

I could feel his member hardening already, taking me by slight surprise.

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