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"If The Bodyguard isn't your favourite movie, what is?" I asked Pablo, hoping to create conversation during the elevator ride down to the lobby.

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, "I don't have time for movies."

I shook my head with a gentle laugh, "I'm positive you do. What's the last movie you saw?"

His eyes remained firmly on the doors of the elevator in a hard and stone-cold gaze.

"The Lorax."

"The Lorax? The children's movie?" I asked him, nervously holding my small clutch closer to me as we neared the lobby.

After shopping, Theo and I had spent today driving around, stopping by a lovely lake. After that, we walked through an old part of the city, and I had been able to be touristy.

Surprisingly, even in the old part of the city, he had got recognised a lot, but only a few people had actually stopped us to take pictures with him and whatnot. It was likely they were giving us the privacy Theo had requested, and it was more than lovely.

To thank him for everything he'd abled me and bought me, I had decided to pop over to a jewellery store by myself while he needed to make a phone call.

"It's my daughter's favourite movie. I've watched it with her about a dozen times," Pablo cleared his throat.

"That's so sweet," I smiled, "I bet you know all the songs by heart."

I did see a small smile ghost over his features, "I do."

"What's your daughter's name?" I wondered.

"Ella. She's five."

I was having trouble imagining this buff and hardcore bodyguard watching The Lorax with a five-year-old girl. I did find it extremely adorable, though.

"I hope you get to see her a lot," I told him, "your job must get in the way of that."

He was quiet for a moment. I was beginning to think he wouldn't even reply, until he sighed.

"It's hard. I see her whenever I can."

I nodded, understandingly. I managed to squeeze him to talk more before the elevator finally slowed down to a stop.

The doors slid open and I followed Pablo out into the lobby.

I didn't feel too overdressed in my blood-red evening gown, since the hotel in itself was fancy to begin with.

Theo, who had told me he had to take care of something business related, was somewhere here.

We walked further into the huge lobby and my eyes soon landed on his back. He was wearing a dark and well-fitted suit, hugging his body in the most sinfully attractive way.

My steps slowed down to a halt once I realised he was talking to a familiar looking woman.

The dark haired and tan woman who had been quite rude to me when I'd met her at the team's practice. She had commented about mine and Theo's relationship, saying he must only be with me because of the sex since I was so ordinary looking otherwise.

What was her name? I remembered Red telling me when I'd met him there. Carmen?

I froze as I watched her push her large breasts out for him and inch closer. She then placed her hand on his chest. He didn't even flinch.

I had no idea how I was supposed to feel about this. This didn't feel right at all, and I hated it.

While Theo seemed to be telling her something, I found myself glaring at her hand then moving up to cup his jaw. Her thumb moved over his cheekbone, caressing the side of his face. Again, he made no sign of dislike or want to step away from her touch.

My heart was slowly sinking into my stomach when I remembered her having told me she had been trying to get him to settle down for her for years. Surely that meant there has been something between them.

I then observed Theo handing her some sort of file. The same one he had received from Steve, who'd walked in on us having sex.

I had a faint memory of the file having something to do with Theo's lawyer. She most definitely wasn't a lawyer, so why was she being handed it now?

My blood boiled as she then slipped her hotel room's keycard into his pocket, her fingers lingering far too long by the front of his suit trousers. After that, she leaned in to press a small kiss to his jaw before walking past him and towards me.

I was left staring at Theo. He had no idea I'd seen what I had just seen, his back still turned to me.

Carmen walked past me without paying me any attention, and her overpowering and nose-stinging perfume stayed lingering in the air.

It was no surprise to me that she, as a jersey chaser - a sort of groupie for football players - was staying in the same hotel as the English national team. I was surprised and upset by her and Theo's interaction.

I watched as he ran a hand through his hair and seemed to sigh to himself. Before turning around, he had pinched the bridge of his nose, not seeming very happy.

His eyes met mine.

A part of me wanted to be immature and angry and simply run away, but another part of me wanted to talk to him and gain an explanation. I knew though, that he would easily be able to switch the subject or avoid answering me completely as he had done before.

He had yet to explain to me what had happened between Lucy and him, but I was sure I'd find out during my stay here.

Theo began making his way towards me, dark eyes intense and determined.

"You look beautiful," he had the audacity to give me a smile, "doesn't she look beautiful, Pablo?"

"Yes, Mr Black," he agreed politely, nodding once.

However much he would flatter me, it wouldn't change what I had just seen. I needed him to tell me what was going on before it would end up ruining what we had, if the worst case scenario came into play.

"Alfred's waiting in the garage. Our reservation's in ten minutes, we should get going..." he was then telling me, eyes never wavering from mine.

He tried to take ahold of my hand, but I dodged it. He could read me like an open book. Even when I didn't want to cause any type of scene here, he knew I was confused and upset because of what I'd just seen.

"Let's go," my voice was colder than I had expected while I turned around to walk towards the elevators.

I heard Theo speaking to Pablo briefly, before he followed behind me.

The elevator ride down was completely silent. I didn't even look at him as I tried to figure out what I was going to say and how I was to say it, all so that he'd be honest with me.

He would need to be honest with me, because I was really nearing my bullshit threshold.

This would be an interesting evening.

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