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There had been a shortage of staff at the hospital, and I had had to go in almost right after Theo had left my house this morning.

It was 6 PM and this was the first break I had gotten since midday. I was currently stuffing my face with a panini and coffee, all while attempting to send an apology text to Theo.

To: Theo: I'm so sorry, I'll be a little late!

A minute later, he replied.

From: Theo: How late?

To: Theo: I had to come help out at the hospital, they needed more staff... I'll be at yours at around 8, I still need to go change at my place.

From: Theo: Alright, that's fine. I'll send Albert to pick you up.

To: Theo: (:


I was knackered by the time I arrived back home.

Tim hadn't questioned why I had declined lunch today, most likely thinking it was because I had needed to be called to work on such short notice. In reality it was because of Theo.

Tim had asked me when I was free to go to lunch though, but I hadn't given him an answer. My feelings and thoughts were confusing me to a point where I didn't want to make any longterm plans. All I wanted was to just enjoy tonight with Theo, forget all the cons and focus on the pros.

I took a shower and after it, put on a casual dinner type black dress. It wasn't skin tight but still extenuated my curves, ending just above my knee.

I slipped on black heels after adding a bit of makeup and curling the tips of my hair. I grabbed a small purse before leaving my house through the front door a few minutes to 8.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," I rushed down to the sidewalk, by which Albert was waiting by a new sleek black range rover.

He gave me a kind smile, "don't be. Mr Black told me about your hectic schedules at the hospital, it's completely understandable."

I sighed with a small laugh and a shake of my head. He opened the back door for me and after thanking him, I got in.

The drive to Theo's was filled with comfortable conversation with Albert. He was a very interesting persona; so incredibly polite and smart.

"Hope to see you soon, Scarlett," he gave me another one of his smiles. He had opened the back door for me and helped me climb down in my heels.

"Thank you, you too," my heart was beating faster at the realisation of us now being at the gated front of Theo's home. The previous and first time I had been here, I had been a complete hungover mess.

I stood there for a moment, listening to the gate open while Alfred drove off. I eased my nerves with a few deep breaths before beginning to head over to the front door.

His house was incredibly modern, so different to mine. This was another thing where we didn't fit. If we, potentially, were to ever get together and maybe even more in together, we'd most likely never find a house which we'd both like. I liked my small and cozy home even if it couldn't be controlled with a small remote or anything as modern as that.

I found myself ringing the doorbell, surprisingly nervous. What would even come of tonight? Why was I here, really?

"Hey!" As soon as I saw Theo - dressed very nicely in a perfectly fitted white dress shirt, tucked into black dress trousers which hugged his legs deliciously - and heard his voice, my nerves seemed to vanish into thin air.

"Wow. You look incredible," he hugged me. I hugged back and smiled.

"Thank you, so do you."

"Come in, I've managed to make dinner without burning the house down," he grinned happily, clearly excited. It was almost adorable, if only his masculinity and in–control-ness wasn't having my core clenching and mind blanking.

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