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To: Elise: I'm on a date with Theo Black, please help me!

I had escaped his flirts and intense dark eyes into the restaurant bathroom.

It had seemed like no big deal to him when a few people had come over to ask for autographs, but it had made me feel extremely uncomfortable and awkward.

From: Elise: Oh! Can you sense his aura?

I sighed, deciding Elise wouldn't be much help in this situation.

To: Linda: I'm at dinner with Theo Black.

I wasn't hungover anymore, thank God, but I still had a feeling of uncertainty about myself in his company. Especially now, that I had no liquid courage in me and wasn't in a comfortable and safe hospital environment, doing my job.

From: Linda: Really? How's it going?

To: Linda: Good, I guess? I'm really not sure how to act around him, especially with all the attention he's getting...

From: Linda: Just be yourself! You're not hiding in the bathroom, are you?

To: Linda: I am...

From: Linda: Sweetie, you always do that! Get back there or he'll think you have diarrhoea, or something...

To: Linda: Haha, thanks.

From: Linda: Enjoy, Scar. Text me how it goes!

I slid my phone into my small purse, and took a look at myself in the mirror.

As promised, Theo had picked me up in a Ferrari. I hadn't the heart to tell him that I wasn't very keen on Ferraris, though, or any sport cars, for that matter.

After straightening my white dress, which had floral patterns decorating it in a few places, and making sure my makeup hadn't turned upside down, I was ready to head back to our table.

He had made sure it was a secluded one in the intimately set restaurant, leaving us plenty of privacy. Of course, with him being who he was, there was never - I had come to find out - full privacy in public.

"I was beginning to think you'd ran out on me, Tinker Bell," he teased as I sat back down on my seat across the small and round table.

I laughed quietly, placed my purse by my heels and shifted in my seat to gain more comfortability.

"Sorry, I was just powdering my nose," I told him, and he gave me a nod.

Theo was wearing a simple white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and black dress pants - both extremely well fitted to hug his toned body - which were neither lessening my growing attraction towards him or helping me feel less awkward.

"Tell me more about yourself," he leaned forward, resting his arms on the table and crossing his fingers together, "you're not very open, are you, love?"

"I'm more of a listener than a talker," I told him, definitely enjoying the way his eyes were on me, never wavering or seeming interested in anything - or anyone - else.

"Alright," he chuckled lowly, "I ask, you answer. How's that sound?"

"Sounds fine," I gave him an amused smile, "you can ask, but I don't promise to answer."

"I'll give it a shot at least," Theo shrugged, that smirk tugging at the sides of his lips like it very often seemed to in my company.

"How old are you?"

I raised my brows at him, leaning back against my chair comfortably. He mirrored my expression in an almost challenging way.

"I'm 23," I spoke, "and you?"

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