71 (R)

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* (lord have mercy on me...💦💦)

"Fuuck," he drawled out, dark eyes focused on where he was disappearing inside of me, "I'm close, Scarlett..."

I cupped his jaw and brought his lips back to meet mine, feeling incredibly stretched out and full. I could feel the way his muscles flexed and clenched with each of his skilful movements, and how fast his heart was beating.

A soft moan left my lips and was muffled by his as he continued his slow and steady thrusts, taking his time in letting both of us feel and enjoy every single second of this.

"You have no idea how much I've missed this," a small groan of pure pleasure left his lips and was muffled by our kiss. I made some sort of sound in agreement, also nearing my release.

The knot in my lower stomach had been building up for what felt like ages, and the way I now felt, mentally and physically, could never be compared to anything.

For a month I hadn't even been able to hug him, and us connected now in such an intimate way brought so much more than just sexual relief.

We belonged to each other, wether we wanted it or not. He owned my heart, I owned his. Never had I felt this strongly toward anyone before, and there was no room left for hesitation or fright within me, only complete trust and love.

"Oh, Lord..." I breathed out shakily, my whole body responding to even his lightest touches, "Theo, I'm go—"

He pressed his lips harder against mine, muffling out the loud moan leaving them when my orgasm broke and immense pleasure coursed through my veins. My back arched and I tugged at his hair, feeling almost breathless.

"Shit," he grumbled at the feel of my walls tightening around his twitching member. My legs were hooked so tightly around him, he barely had any room to move anymore.

"Theo..." my breathing was extremely laboured, mind-blown by how well he knew every crevice of my body and how to make me feel as if on cloud nine in a matter of a few minutes.

"That's it, baby," his raspy voice coaxed me through my high, his lips brushing against my jaw now, "you're so good..."

It didn't take long at all for him to reach his peak as well, and release inside of me. The groans rumbling up from his chest made my core clench even more, finding him in pleasure incredibly hot.

Both of us were catching our breath soon after, sweaty and tired puddles of satisfaction, whilst he kissed along my neck gently, not pulling out yet.

"Was it good?" Theo murmured, voice low enough to send a shiver down my spine and to my pulsating core.

"Yes," I gently tugged at his hair to indicate I wanted him to be on eye-level with me.

His dark gaze raised up to meet mine, and I gave him an almost shy smile, "was it good for you?"

"Everything's bloody amazing with you," he told me quietly, and my heart swelled.

Almost unwillingly he lifted himself up off me and pulled out, before situating down on his back on the bed next to me. As I always did, I immediately cuddled up against his side.


It was quiet for a moment, with the both of us calming down.

"I was about to quit football," he broke the silence and told me.

"What? When?" I was baffled, looking up at him with furrowed brows, "but you adore football?"

Theo's hand moved to rest at the middle of my back, holding me against him in an easier way, "before I met you."


"I was just... so exhausted. This will sound so weak and unimportant," a small and quiet laugh left his lips, and I shook my head.

"No, tell me."

He was quiet for a moment, and I let him process what he was going to say. Whenever Theo opened up to me and was vulnerable, I treasured those moments because they really showed how much he truly did trust and love me.

"My mum's the only person I talked to about this, when it was going on. Of course she doesn't know everything, I don't feel comfortable with opening up to her about my sex life, or anything of that sort..." he began, and I listened carefully and with patience, "that's why she can seem a bit mental about you, you know?"

Anne had always been incredibly welcoming of me, as well as intent on supporting Theo and I. She had been so much more lovelier than I could have ever dreamed her to be.

"All my friends, who aren't in any way connected with fame, were beginning to get married and have children. I was stuck in the loneliest loop of having emotionless sex with women who I knew would never be someone I could see a future with. Just... Carmen, other jersey chasers, models... whoever was there, you know?"

I nodded slowly, my finger tracing small and comforting, light figures on to his chest.

"I'm almost 30. I felt like I was having an age crisis, where I was so behind and in a bubble. My mum wanted me to take time off, go on a long holiday or something, away from everything," he told me, his voice calm, low and careful, "I couldn't though, I would have felt even more alone. I can't tell you how happy she was when I told her I'd met you..."

"Theo..." I cuddled against him tighter, feeling emotional all of a sudden.

"Long story short, I don't want you to think I'm mentally unstable when I want to 'rush' things. I know you can't understand this fully, and that's fine..."

"I love you. I don't think you're mentally unstable," I leaned up to kiss him, my hand moving up from his chest to his jaw, "I may not be able to put myself in your shoes, but I try to understand. I think I understand."

"Thank you," he murmured, a breath leaving his lips, "I'm happy. I owe you so much."

"No, honey, you don't owe me anything," I gave him a soft smile, now with my front almost laying on top of his, "if anything, it's me who owes you..."

Theo's brows raised at me a little, as the tips of his fingers brushed along my spine.

"My student loans..." I reminded him. He shrugged with a growing grin.

"We went over that, Tinker Bell," he assured me, brushing it all off, "and you're taking more student loans during your masters though, yes?"

"Theo!" I laughed, still keeping my voice down when he suddenly flipped us around, so that he was hovering over me. My laughter died down when I felt his member on my thigh, and saw how intense his dark gaze was.

He gave me a very mischievous smirk, "sorry, love. We won't be getting much sleep tonight..."


The next day, while Anne went sightseeing around Madrid, knowingly giving Theo and me time alone, I went to see his practice just how I'd gone to watch England's national team's practice.

It didn't differ much from that situation. The most gorgeous women waited to mingle with the men, and some were married or together with them.

I managed to friend a few of the women, both a jersey chaser, one wife and one girlfriend, with whom we watched the men train.

Theo seemed to really flourish playing for Real Madrid.

Seeing him out on the field made me realise just how amazing of an opportunity this was for him.

The rest of the day, we spent lunch at a lovely
restaurant in the city, before shopping a little and then heading back to his house to meet Anne.

I would be leaving tomorrow, and the thought of being away from him for another month, or even more, weighed on my shoulders.

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