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@footballfanatic: this is so cute, i ship them !

@gary: she's thick af, lucky @TheoBlack

@cameltoe: she's wearing his club hoodie! Love this candid, give us more @TheoBlack!

"Scarlett, they love you," he was showing me some of the retweets and replies to the video of me he'd tweeted yesterday.

I scanned over a few of them, noticing how much more kind and sweet people there now were compared to before.

I smiled, "there's almost no hate at all, I can't believe it."

"There will always be hate. Just focus on the people who think you're thick," he grinned, teasing me.

"That's something to live by," I laughed and nudged him playfully, before continuing with winging out my eyeliner for tonight.


"Thank you for inviting me along, Scarlett," Emma gave me a small smile through the bathroom mirror. I finished reapplying a light coat of my lipstick and turned to her.

"Of course, any time."

"I don't have many friends, with all the effort that I have to put into mine and Justin's relationship..."

My heart sank a little. If she had that kind of a life trying to hide their relationship, I wondered what a life I'd have being public with Theo. I calmed myself and assured myself that everything was going to work out fine.

"I understand," I nodded, "let's get back, I'm sure the drinks have arrived already."

She smiled widely, a smile which instantly made me smile as well.


"What exactly do you do?" Linda asked, sipping her drink with her eyes focused on Emma beside me.

We all focused on her as she glanced down at her lap with a small laugh, "I'm a information security analyst."

We all remained quiet, completely unaware of what she actually did as an information security analyst.

"What exactly do you do, as an information security analyst?" Linda asked again, a grin on her red lips.

"I work for a computer company. I protect them from cyber attacks, and all that fun stuff. I'm basically a hacker," she explained.

"That sounds exciting," I nudged her gently, finishing my second drink, "does that mean you hack for fun?"

"No, of course not," she laughed, "I hack to stop hackers... it's complicated."

"Everything's so complicated these days," Cherry sighed, not having smiled once tonight.

Unknown to Emma, Cherry had had another rough patch with Aaron. Their relationship was hanging by a thread, about to crumble for the hundredth time.

Underneath our table, I found Cherry's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She turned her head to me, the smallest smile on her lips. It was a sad smile, though.

"What star sign are you?" Elise was leaning her elbows on the table, leaning closer to Emma.

Her brows furrowed a bit and her head tilted, "I'm a pisces?"

"Ah! I love pisces!" Elise gushed.

"That's because you're pisces too," Linda gently rolled her eyes, the alcohol having loosened us all up.

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