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Not even four days after Theo had left to Spain, the first - of many to come - rumours began circulating on covers of low gossip magasines.

'Theo Black found himself a Spanish beauty!' was the most commonly used title of a photo of him and a model kissing.

I didn't have time to get myself upset over it, since his text message explained it all.

From: Theo: Have you seen the photo? It's photoshopped from the photo of you and me kissing when we went on that jog... just making sure you don't freak x


"Lettie, I need you to come with me to check on Mrs Grey."

I turned around to find Linda walking up to me. I gave her a smile.

"Sure," I nodded.

"She's had a slip in the shower and hit her head pretty hard..." she explained once we began walking towards the sweet elderly lady's hospital room.

My smile faded, "oh. What are her injuries?"

She had been admitted to the hospital because of fainting and the heart palpitations she had been having.

"Isolated and severe head injury, skull fractures and damage to the left side of her brain and the back."

"Is she awake?" I asked as we neared the hospital room.

"She's in a medically induced coma. The brain damage is too extensive," Linda shook her head.

We entered the room and found Mrs Grey laying on the bed as if simple asleep, her pulse slowly but steadily by the EKG machine next to her. She was also on a couple of intravenous fluids, keeping her medicated and hydrated. She was also hooked up to a ventilator.

I immediately went to check over her stats to see the severity of the brain injury.

"She has serious neurological damage," I spoke, studying the charts and notes of doctors.

"We'll need to get her ready to be taken in for an MRI and EEG scan," she replied, changing one of the drips that Mrs Grey was on.

"She won't be able to use logical functions when she wakes up," I cleared my throat, feeling bad for her. It had been a day away until she would have been able to go home.

"Let me help you," I placed the chart down and walked over to assist Linda.


"Shit, sorry!" I felt lukewarm liquid spilling over the front of my scrubs.

I gasped and moved back from the person I had just bumped into as I had turned a corner, and realised I now had a streak of dark coffee over my front.

"Jesus!" I grumbled and looked up to see who this person was.

It was a very nervous looking young man, maybe a year or two younger than me. He had a very interesting shade of blue hair.

"I'm so sorry," he began apologising profusely, "I don't know what's wrong with me today, I can't seem to navigate at all."

I sighed, guessing he had probably just started his bachelor's degree here. I remembered how I had been running around during my first year, bringing Dr Stanley coffee whenever I was to join him on rounds.

"It's fine," I told him, trying to keep my voice kind even now as my day wasn't going too well, "who are you looking for?"

"Dr Stanley," the man gave me a small smile, and my brows raised.

"Oh," a small laugh slipped past my lips, "you've got lucky..."

"Not really, I—" he chuckled.

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