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Last night, I had fallen asleep on top of him after countless kissed and a few very deep conversations were shared on the couch in his living room.

We hadn't gone further than just kissing, I think both of us were too tired for that. I had tried my best to keep his mind off the clear disappointment of not being able to play in the World Cup for a week, but I knew it still bothered him.

In the morning, Theo had to leave for a quick press conference his manager and the national team's coach had set up.

"I'll just be 2 hours. Will you stay here?" He asked me, coffee in hand while he texted Alfred to come get him.

"I have lectures in the afternoon. I need to study for them," I told him and brought my empty breakfast plate into the sink. I turned the water on to wash it.

"Leave it, I have someone coming in to clean up in an hour," he called, making his way into the entrance hall.

He still had a small limp in his step, careful not to put too much weight on his bandaged ankle. Even if he could stand the pain, he knew I'd still be ready to snap at him for not letting it heal properly.

"Seriously?" I was extremely amused by that. I turned the water off and left my plate, before following after him.

"Study here," Theo turned around to face me after sliding his phone into his back pocket.

He was wearing suit trousers and a white dress shirt, fitted onto him in the most delicious way; hugging his muscles and managing to make him look even more masculine and in-control. Since I didn't bring a change of clothes, I was wearing a pair of his sweatpants and a simple white tee shirt, feeling very comfortable but looking rather unattractive with them being a tad oversized.

"My books—"

"Alfred will bring you to your place so you can get them, and then he'll bring you back here," a small smile tugged at the sides of his lips.

This seemed frighteningly normal; me having spent the night and now us planning to spend the day together. I loved it more than I should.

"Sure," I agreed, "but you've got to let me study. Control your hormones."

He grinned and stepped up to me, "with you it's pretty hard, you know?"

"And here I thought your hormones would have settled down in your late twenties..." I couldn't help but smile. I could tell he was nervous for the press conference and for the near future, regarding the World Cup.

"Nope. Still raging, Tinker Bell," he shrugged, free hand finding my waist underneath the tee shirt of his I had on, "you look adorable, I wish I could just stay here."

I smiled, his hand against my skin warming me up. He had told me he was falling for me yesterday, which I interpreted as falling in love, and now knew there was no backing out of this anymore.

I was working hard on letting go of my over-thinking characteristics, and simply focusing on him and the feelings I had for him. What we had might very well end in flames, but he had told me to live in the moment with him, and that was something I strived to do.

"Alfred'll be here any minute, Scarlett. I need to—"

"Hey, calm down," I spoke gently, brows furrowing when his nervousness began physically showing.

Theo blinked slowly and let a small breath leave his lips.

"The press conference will go fine, you have no reason to be nervous about it. You spraining your ankle wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could have done about it," I assured him.

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