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"Hey, aren't you Theo Black's—"

"No, sorry," I mumbled and quickly walked past the group of three teen guys.

It had been a week since the picture of us at the restaurant had dominated front pages of gossips magazines and page sixes. I hadn't talked to him since, but had had to lie a few times to people who'd recognised and confronted me.

It was good I didn't go out too much, since any kind of attention I was going to get from the part of the public that would recognise me wasn't what I needed in my life. I was sure this would pass by time, though.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," I gave Tim a smile, seating myself down in front of him at a small table by the window of a brasserie.

My lunch hour had just started and, since there wasn't much rush in the hospital, I felt free to leave to have a quick date with the handsome doctor who'd helped me vent out my stress during the attacks on Westminster bridge.

"That's fine. It's my day off, you're busy," he reasoned, returning my smile, "I already ordered, I hope that's okay?"

"Yes, that's fine," I nodded after a second of wonderment. He had no idea what kind of food I liked, so what he'd done had been a pretty risqué move.

"You've had a good day? You seem happy," Tim spoke, straightening up in his seat. I furrowed my brows a little.

"Oh, I do? I've had around five cups of coffee today, maybe it's that..." I shrugged, and he chuckled.

"Possibly. You do look a little flustered, did you get told off again?" He teased, and I shook my head with a small laugh.

A waitress arrived with two glasses of champagne.

"I can't drink, I need to be back in an hour," I told Tim, glancing down at the sparkling champagne in front of me.

"It's non-alcoholic, darling," he had a light and happy smile playing on his lips, dirty blonde hair casually resting atop his head.

It was weird seeing him in a simple shirt and jeans, now that I'd got used to talking to him in the hospital where he'd wear his doctor's coat.

"Oh, sure."

We chatted casually until our lunches arrived. I was extremely disappointed and baffled when a Caesar's salad was placed in front of me. It looked delicious, but I had a long day ahead and was looking forward a little to something other than just a salad... Tim had ordered himself a salad as well.

We had managed to chat every day for the past week now, and I was beginning to feel like he was very intent on turning me over to his overly healthy lifestyle.

"You look very nice, Scarlett," he told me after a short moment of silence after we'd began eating.

"Thank you, Tim," I gave him a small smile.

His blue eyes watched me with such admiration, I almost felt weird instead of that good and warm feeling I had received with Theo.

We had had a fun time, and whoever got the assistant captain to settle down was an extremely lucky person. He just wasn't for me, his lifestyle wasn't.

Tim's eyes left mine though, and focused on something happening outside of the window of the brasserie we were sitting at.

"Why are three teens taking photos of us?" He asked, and my heart fell.

My head darted towards where he was looking and sighed when I saw the same three teens that had talked to me on my way here, now pointing their phones at us from a few feet away on the pavement outside.

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