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I had woken up before Theo.

I slipped on his hoodie and my pyjama bottoms, before brushing my teeth and using the bathroom.

We would be driving back to London today, back to reality, away from this serene location and his family.

Nobody was downstairs when I arrived there, and I realised I must be the only one up. My schedules from working at the hospital had made my inner clock messed up, so I was still waking up earlier than I should.

I decided to go into the kitchen to make Theo and myself a cup of tea, my plan being to wake him up soon.

Just as I was about to pour the hot water in to two cups in front of me on the kitchen counter, I felt strong arms carefully sliding around me from behind.

I jumped a little, thankfully not spilling any of the water. I glanced back over my shoulder to find a shirtless Theo grinning boyishly at me.

"Good morning," his raspy and low voice, its more than usual sexy tone credited to the fact that he had just woken up, filled the silence, along with a quiet and breathless laugh which slipped past my lips.

"I could have spilt boiling water on myself," I shook my head with a smile and directed my attention back to the two cups in front of me, "I'm making us tea."

"Do you know what I've missed a lot?" His lips brushed against the nape of my neck, and my core clenched while I slowly poured water into the first cup.


"The breakfasts you make. The full English... bloody hell, Scarlett, you could win Master Chef with it," he left a small kiss on my sensitive skin while I struggled to keep myself composed.

* (not sex but not suitable for all!!)

His front pressed more against my back, one of his hands sliding underneath his hoodie that I now had on. I felt it making its way up along my skin, nearing my breasts.

An almost strained laugh left my lips, "thank you, that's very sweet."

He pressed his hips against mine, indicating exactly what he was getting at here. I had seen only that he had no shirt on but had no idea what bottoms he was wearing, if any.

"Let's go back upstairs..." he coaxed, low voice and hot breath fanning up my neck, whole igniting goosebumps and arousal in their wake.

Theo's hand moved to cup my breast, before he squeezed it gently and moulded it in his palm. I felt hot, just having him press himself up against me like this and feel me shamelessly with his oh-so skilful touch.

"But I've just made us tea..." I smiled, knowing he couldn't see my reaction. He knew exactly how he was making me feel though, there was no doubt of that.

"I don't want it to get cold," I added, a small sigh leaving my lips when he kissed the skin beneath my ear, a hot jolt of pleasure shooting down to my core from it.

"Then we'll have to heat things up a bit, won't we, love?"

I laughed while he grinned against my skin.

"You smell so good. Why do you smell so good?" He murmured, leaving kisses lingering up to my jaw while he pressed himself more against me; against me until I was physically trapped between him and the counter, unable and unwilling to move.

"Stop sniffing me," I teased, pouring water into the second cup as well before grabbing two bags of tea. He chuckled.

"You're not naked, are you?" I had to ask, mind running wild with how daring this situation was. His hand squeezed my breast a little harder in his hold, his other hand on my stomach, pulling me further back against him, if that was even possible.

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