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I was waiting outside the bathrooms for Cherry.

It was later during the evening and after seeing Theo, I really hadn't felt like drinking anymore. I had given my Malibu Cocktail to Red.

As of then, I had slowly come down from the state I'd been in. I was still a very tipsy, though.

The music seemed muffled in the small and dim hallway. I couldn't stop thinking about Theo. He has to feel bad too, I just know it.

I looked up at the sound of a door opening. I had been waitinv for it to be Cherry leaving the women's bathroom, but was surprised it was Theo leaving the men's bathroom.

"Hi," I breathed out, returning his intense gaze. I straightened up a bit while he slowed down to a stop.

"I'm waiting for Cherry," I explained quickly, motioning towards the women's bathroom.

"Sure," he cleared his throat, not making any kind of initiation to start walking back towards the main club area.

Through his eyes I could see the internal debate he was having while watching me. I wanted him to just give in and talk to me, instead of walking away again in hopes of keeping up this tiring resistance.

"Are you having a good time?" I decided to ask him gently, hoping it would wheel him in.

Theo glanced away for a moment, his jaw tight. Then, he closed up the uncomfortably large space between us and stood in front of me.

"I didn't know you'd be here," he admitted, dark gaze returning to study my eyes, the tension between us almost unbearable.

"I didn't know you'd be here, either," I tried to relax this situation by giving a small smile.

"How have you been?" Theo asked me lowly.

I knew he still loved me, there was no doubt in my mind about it. I also had a feeling he was asking me how I had been for him to see how this stupid and frustrating plan of his was working.

I leaned back against the wall and folded my arms over my chest, not at all minding how close he was standing.

"Can I be honest with you?" I let out a small laugh.

"Please," he requested.

"I've been okay, I guess. I don't know what I'd do without friends," I told him, "I've been so hurt by you, Theo. You just left. Why would you do that to me?"

He sighed and glanced down at our feet, "you left too, Scarlett. In Russia."

"This is completely different! This was you breaking up with me, how horrid do you think I felt? How I still feel? I was ready to move on from what you told me in Russia," I was shaking my head, trying to keep myself composed.

"I had to leave, I couldn't look you in the eyes and end us," he spoke, his eyes meeting mine again, "I'm sorry."

"Why did you end us then, when you're clearly not happy with it either?"

"I've already told you. It's for your best, Scarlett," he shook his head gently. Theo had tucked his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

"It's not," I protested, "life is never easy. Being with you... just... all the good times outnumbered the hard times. You think I'll have an easier life without you in it and you might be right, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should go deciding those things for me."

Theo listened carefully, before letting out a small breath and gently placing his hand on my waist. He guided me to walk further into the hallway, so that we were no longer standing in front of the bathrooms.

His hand returned into his pocket while he cleared his throat. Even that small touch, after these two weeks, calmed me immensely and warmed me up.

"I'm a dick, I'm selfish and only a waste of time for you," he told me firmly, "I love you too much to be able to watch you struggle with my lifestyle. I've felt like shit without you, I can't stop thinking about you. Do you not understand that—"

Theo was growing frustrated, his dark eyes intimidating and dangerously narrowed at me. I couldn't listen to him for any longer, and instead closed the distance between us and kissed him with my hands cupping his jaw.

I felt the thumping of his accelerated heartbeat beneath my fingertips, and how passionately he was immediately kissing me back. He directed me against the wall behind me, his hands now squeezing my waist and pulling my front against his.

"Fuck, baby," he groaned quietly, still kissing me, "you should be moving on from me."

Even while he was telling me this, he made no move to try to stop or step away. I brought my hands up to run through his hair, feeling incredibly lightheaded at the sudden passion between us.

"I want to do neither of those things without you. Stop overthinking us, please," I murmured gently against his intoxicating lips, and he let out an unexpected chuckle.

"You've turned me into an over-thinker..."

I softly smiled and brought my hands back down to cup his jaw. His hands were on my sides, carefully moving along my curves and holding me against him.

"Let's go to mine, Theo," I left a small kiss by his jaw.

He was quiet, clearly hesitating with his hold on me slowly slipping. Just as he was about to back away, I raised my gaze to meet his.


"We'll make us work, together. Do you really think I'm too weak to handle a little bit of stress?" I tried to relax him with a smile.

"It's not just a little bit of stress. It's constant judgement - good or bad - from the public, the same struggles with privacy that we've had before, troubles fitting our schedules together..." he was shaking his head, brows furrowed.

"Stop worrying. Let's get out of here?"

Theo's eyes searched mine for a second, "are you drunk?"

"A little tipsy, maybe... it doesn't mean I don't have sense left in me, though," I giggled quietly.

I could see in his dark eyes the depth and severity of the inner conflicts he was now having. It was killing me that clearly a part of him felt like he needed to leave me as soon as possible, as if not to trouble me any further.

I relaxed immensely when he nodded once, giving in.



Hi! I'm so sorry I've unpublished like half the chapters, I want to add drama!!!!🙈🙈 won't take long until they're back up again!

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