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That same evening, after we had thanked everyone with hugs and gift bags for joining us today, Theo and I left for our two-week honeymoon.

It was easier for me to take such a break from work now that I was no longer studying, but actually working full-time at the hospital.

We were sitting right at the back of Theo's jet, while Pablo and Alfred sat at the very front. Every social media and news site was blowing up with congratulations for us on our marriage.

"Can I post this?" Theo handed me his phone.

I had my legs casually thrown over his while I rested my head on the side of his shoulder, cuddling up against him as we moved through the air, watching the stunning sunset.

It was a photo of him and I, taken just a few hours ago, when we had taken official wedding photographs by the church.

It was an innocent and sweet kiss, him holding me against his front with his hands on my hips, while I was cupping his jaw.

My wedding gown cascaded down the church steps beautifully. I still hadn't got over how amazing Theo looked, especially in his tux. We had now changed into more comfortable clothes for our flight to Italy.

The caption read: 'Love of my life. Words can't express how happy I am with you. Good luck trying to leave me now!! x'

I laughed gently and kissed his jaw, "that's... sweet."

He grinned, accepting his phone back and posting the photo to Twitter and Instagram.

"I thought so too," Theo agreed jokingly, "I'm still buzzing. I can't believe we're married."

I smiled gently and then yawned, since today had been the best, yet one of the longest, days of my life, "me neither. I can't believe I've met Chris Martin..."

"You two really hit it off," he told me.

"Right?" My smile widened, "he's amazing. Just imagine my hormones with you, Cristiano and Coldplay in my vicinity, though..."

"Oh, wow," Theo let out a laugh and then teased, "how are you still alive?"

"Very good question," I hummed, extremely content, "how did you even manage to get them there? How are you suddenly friends with my favourite band without me knowing about it?"

He shrugged calmly and slid his phone away into his pocket, "turns out he's a fan of mine. I slid into his dm's and told him about how much you love Coldplay, and things just went on from there..."

"You're incredible, do I tell you that enough?" I took his hand in mine and laced our fingers together gently. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"It was so sweet when you cried, by the way," I reminded him.

"When did I cry?"

"When I was walking down the aisle!" I pulled back to be able to raise my brows at the gorgeous man beside me, whom I had the honour of now calling my husband.

He shook his head with a light grin, "I didn't cry, I don't know what you're talking about."


"Okay, fine. It was just a few tears, though, I wiped them away," he huffed out, "you have no idea how you looked. Man, it was wild."

I laughed gently and returned to cuddling against his side, "thank you, Theo. For today, and just everything."

"My pleasure. You know... I'm just brainstorming here... but how would you feel if we consummated our marriage now?" His voice lowered, which then of course caused my core to clench impossibly.

"Now?" I whispered in reply and glanced over to see Pablo and Alfred busy with their own things, unlikely they were even hearing us.


I felt him push me off him gently, until he could kiss my neck.

"Right here?" I asked quietly and hesitantly, about to shake my head even as I had begun feeling hotter.

Theo chuckled and found my eyes with his, "bedroom's in the back."

"Ohh," I came to a realisation, and a slow grin began forming on to my lips.

I cleared my throat and retreated my legs from over his. I then pecked his lips quickly, before standing up and turning the corner into a small hallway discreetly. I managed to find the bedroom along it, and slipped in.

It didn't take long for Theo to join me.

"If they see that we're gone they'll know exactly what we're up to..." I whispered as he closed and locked the door behind us before turning to face me. Even now, I felt giddy.

"They're both married, they understand," he shrugged casually. He then rid himself of his hoodie, and my brows raised at the delicious sight of his bare torso.

"Do you think so?" My voice calmed the closer he got to me, the hum of the jet's engine very relaxing.

"I do," Theo offered me a smile as his fingers found the hem of my top, "can I?"

"Yes," I managed out, and was left shirtless.

"I haven't had you in a week. I barely saw you before the wedding..." he breathed out, letting my fingers carefully fiddle with his belt; unbuckling it and then sliding it off onto the carpeted floor.

His hands landed on my waist and he tugged me right against his front while I fumbled with the buttons and zipper of his jeans.

My eyes raised up to meet his, but before I could reply, he kissed me passionately.

I humphed out at the slight surprise, but was immediately kissing back.

I forgot about his jeans and brought my hands up to cup his jaw, fully submerged in the dream that were his lips on mine.

Theo's hands unclasped my bra and swiftly rid it. Then, he moved his hands back to my waist and continued kissing me.

"Get on the bed, love," he pulled back to tell me lowly, my core clenching and eyes widening at how attractive his voice was.

His dark eyes gazed at me, moving between my eyes, before a small smirk tugged at the sides of his lips.

"Let me show you what kind of treatment my wife will be getting every single day, starting from tonight..."



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