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He replied just after four in the afternoon during the following day.

It was Saturday. I had worked the morning, but had the rest of the day off so I had been home studying when he'd replied.

From: Theo: Excuse me?

To: Theo: My student loans. I know you paid them.

From: Theo: I did.

To: Theo: Why would you do that? You know exactly how uncomfortable I've felt with you spending money on me, and how hard I'VE worked to pay them since they're MY student loans. You had no right to do that, Theo.

He wasn't replying, even though he had seen the message.

To: Theo: You don't get to do this. I want you to take it back.

From: Theo: Take what back?

To: Theo: The money. Call the bank, tell them you made a mistake. Wrong student loans, or something.

From: Theo: Do you think they'd believe me if I told them I paid off student loans but then realised I'm not a student anymore and haven't got any loans to pay off?

To: Theo: I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but this is NOT funny. I don't want to have to feel like I'm in debt to you, I just want to move on.

From: Theo: You're not in debt to me, Scarlett. Take it as a small compensation for your troubles.

To: Theo: I'm calling the bank. They'll sort it out. Thanks a lot, you've just caused me more troubles.

I called my bank, discussed this matter with a kind lady for around thirty minutes, but it ended with her telling me there was nothing to be done about it.

To: Linda: Let's get the girls together and go clubbing.


"Calm down," I laughed, "I'll go get us more drinks, just don't start dancing before I get back."

"I'll come with you," Red stood up as well, the loud music and slight amount of hard alcohol I'd had tonight making me feel very relaxed and giggly.

I managed to make my way towards the bar through the crowd of people. I had on heels, skinny jeans and a tight black top. I had put on a little makeup and had curled the tips of my hair.

I leaned my arms against the bar counter while Red stood beside me, both of us waiting for the bartender's attention.

"This is taking forever," Red groaned, and I laughed, "sir, we need drinks!"


Déjà vu hit me at that same gravelly voice from the last time I'd been in this club. This time, though, I hadn't almost dropped my credit card and phone at the sound of it.

My laughter died down and I turned to look to my other side. He looked so good, my heart ached.

"What are you doing here, Scarlett?" Theo asked me over the music, glancing over at Red momentarily.

"Trying to get the bartender to notice me," I told him, eyes focusing back on the man mixing drinks.

I could feel his eyes on me, burning through my skin. My heart was racing.

"You're drunk. Let me have Albert drive you home," I felt his hand on my lower back.

"You know that's considered sexual harassement if it's unwanted?" I looked back over at Theo with my brows raised, "and I'm not drunk. Just a little tipsy."

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