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"Turn the radio on," I instructed, nervously sitting in the passenger seat of his car with my leg bouncing up and down.

He complied and turned on the radio while glancing over at me briefly. His brows were furrowed, clearly confused as to why I was in such a rush to the hospital.

"...an estimated of twenty potential casualties so far, and counting, on Westminster bridge. Two police officers have been shot, and the assailant has been taken into custody..."

"Bloody hell," he spoke in slight disbelief, unable to do much besides shake his head.

"Is this BBC?" I inquired while fishing my phone out to read more messages from colleagues telling me to get to the trauma centre as soon as possible. Dr Stanley was requesting everyone since we were short of staff, for some baffling reason.


"Can you drive any faster?" I tried very hard not to sound extremely irritated. I was irritated because I was nervous, never having been in a situation like this. I was scared it would be complete chaos at the hospital, and I would have no idea what to do.

"Without breaking the law, I'm afraid I'm not, Scarlett..." he replied calmly and I sighed, hand running through my hair.

"Listen, you'll do fine. Don't stress. Just do what you're trained to do, alright, birdie?" He raised his brows at me a bit, a small and encouraging smile tugging at the sides of his lips.

Somehow he'd known I was worried about my performance today, and I appreciated him even more for being such a good people-reader.

I gave him a gentle smile in return, watching as his widen just a tad when I did. It was sweet, yet I looked away towards the empty road ahead almost as if his eyes had burned me.

Neither of us said anything during the rest of the ride, the horrible news filling our ears and occupying out minds through the radio.

Once we arrived, I was unbuckling the seatbelt before he had even parked in front of the front doors. I had already seen a few ambulances arriving by the back doors, and knew I needed to go change as soon as possible.

"Hey, slow down," he chuckled gently, both of us silent because of the heavy and horrid news we'd just heard.

I looked over at him and let out a small breath, "sorry, it's just... I really need to go help."

"Alright," he gave me a nod while I already opened the car door in preparation to leave.

He reached over to cup my jaw before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. I was definitely caught off guard, eyes widening.

I quickly closed them though, and kissed him back in an attempt to avoid reality for just a moment. My whole body lit up, and I couldn't help but bring one hand to gently brush through his hair during our kiss.

The pull I felt towards him had only grown during these past two days, and the fright of the realisation made me pull back before he had even had a chance to deepen the kiss.

His dark eyes studied me closely, hypnotising me completely. I cleared my throat.

"Thank you for last night, this has been really fun," I told him with my lips pulled into a tight-lipped smile.

"Yeah, it has," he agreed, "I'll text you when I get back."

"Oh, sure," I felt like an idiot, completely having forgotten that he was leaving to train somewhere outside of the city with his team for a couple of weeks, "have fun, okay?"

"Thanks, Tinker Bell."

And with that, I got out of the car and made my way inside the hospital. As soon as I got through the main doors and lobby, I went to change.

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