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"Here you go," Theo handed me a glass of wine.

He sat down next to me on the comfortable couch in the lounge area of the suite, both of us having now changed into more comfortable clothes.

I was wearing my flannel pyjamas while he had on a tee shirt and his original team's dark sweatpants.

"Thank you for coming with me to dinner. I had a great time," he spoke, eyes focused on the glass of wine in his hand.

I had my knees raised up to my chest, impatiently waiting for him to get to the point. Before I had a chance to tell him to hurry up, he continued.

"Carmen has a video of her and me having sex," he cleared his throat and took out his phone.

My brows furrowed at what he'd said, "it's illegal to film something like that without your consent."

I watched as he unlocked his phone. I realised he had put the picture of me from the restaurant as his screensaver, but decided not to say anything in fear of a subject change.

"I've got my lawyer involved. I just wanted to take care of it discreetly so the public and you wouldn't know about it," he explained and then handed me his phone.

I realised that a short 30 second video was waiting to play from his gallery. I gulped quietly and looked over at Theo.

"She's been blackmailing me for money, threatening to show it to you," he explained slowly.

"Why would you let her do that? You need to contact the police," I shook my head.

"That would mean the public knowing I used to have sex with someone from a rather despised group of women. They're mostly thought of as fake and gold digging sluts," he shook his head at himself, "pardon my French."

"I don't understand your train of thought."

"My lawyer made up a contract for her to sign. I gave it to her before we left for dinner," he told me, "I've offered to pay her a certain amount if she has the video deleted completely."

"Why wouldn't you just tell the police, I don't understand? She could get jail time for that," my brows were still furrowed.

"It would create such a shitstorm with the press, nothing like that would stay hidden for long if I did go to the police. It would have damaged my reputation and career, as well as what I had going on with you."

"What? What you had going on with me? When... when did this happen?" I nodded down at the video, not wanting to press play.

"It was just after that video of me confirming that we were dating. Just dating, not yet together," he looked down at his glass of wine again, "I had sex with her that night. I-I don't have an explanation for myself."

I didn't say anything. Even if we hadn't been officially together and had just been dating, he was the one who seemed so much more intent on having more happen between us. He had been the one to initiate things going further with us, yet then he'd gone and slept with someone else.

Technically he hadn't cheated, but I still felt very let down and cheated on.

"Will you just watch the video, please?" Theo's voice was almost tired, clearly not wanting to be saying the words he now was.

"I don't want you to see it from Carmen or anyone else," he added.

"Who else would I possibly see it from? And distributing a video like this would be even more illegal, there's no way she'd do that... she has signed the contract and has deleted it, right?"

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