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Theo really had acquainted me with the whole of the English national football team.

By the time he had been leading me to his car, my head had been spinning after meeting so many good looking and kind men, feeling very light headed.

Now that we were driving towards a movie theatre where he had insisted on us going to see a movie - instead of going to mine - I couldn't help but think further about the mean women.

"Why are you being so quiet? What's going on?"

"You do realise we won't be able to enjoy the movie if there are any people who recognise you? And I'm positive that there will be..." I frowned, looking out into the evening through the passenger's side window.

"Leave that to me, Scarlett, I've got it handled," he assured me for the hundredth time,"did something happen during my practice?"

I just shook my head, not wanting to worry him with my dumb insecurities. I would get over what certain women there had thought of me, and would also get used to increased judgement from the public. It was a hefty price to pay for being able to be with Theo Black.

"Tell me," he kept on glancing at me, not pleased with my intent on keeping my thoughts bottled up and hidden from him.

"This is just me, Theo, thinking too much and worrying myself," I spoke, shaking my head with a small laugh. He again didn't seem too amused.

"Scarlett..." he sighed, somehow having been able to read me like an open book.

"The women there... they were just very vocal with their opinions about me, and about us," I shook my head, speaking after a moment of hesitation, "I had Emma and Red though, it was fine."

"Which women? The jersey chasers?" He was then asking.

"The what?"

"They're the groupies of football, love," he glanced his gaze towards me momentarily when I let out a small breath.

"Right. They just said I was ordinary and that there was no way you and I could last, since you're so obviously in this just for the sex," I rolled my eyes lightly, understanding now that I shouldn't be believing or even listening to women who merely flocked around athletes for sex and fame.

"Please, don't tell me you believe them—"

"No, I don't. I'm fine with the way I look, and if I was worried you were in this just for the sex, I would start a month of celibacy to find out," I concluded with a shrug, and he laughed.

"You're incredibly sexy, Scarlett. I—"

"So were they. Men like big breasts, I'm sure they're sexy as well—"

"Don't cut me off, birdie," I felt his hand on my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze, "for me personally, the jersey chasers are a bit too much; some of the guys like them, which is why they're even allowed in. Don't take anything they say to heart, they're only jealous."

"I know, I know..." I nodded with a sigh, "I'm fine, really. I'm just not used to... all that."

"I know, love, and that's fine," his hand on my thigh and moved to find my hand, taking it in his. My heart was breaking through my chest at how sweet he was being.

"Forget them, focus on me," Theo sent me a light grin, "you're in for a treat once we get to the theatre..."


"You can't be serious..." I was shaking my head, completely taken aback, "how much did you have to pay to... to..."

I was shifting on the red couch to be able to examine the rest of the movie theatre completely empty behind us. The lights had already dimmed and the commercials before the movie were now playing.

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