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"The hate I've been getting, Theo..." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose and letting my eyes close.

We were seated on his couch, an open bottle of wine in front of us on the coffee table. I was leaning my elbows onto my knees, a glass of wine in my free hand.

"I know, love. It's not all hate, though. Many think you're absolutely stunning and are happy for us," he reasoned, his hand on my back comforting me.

"No, it's not that... when you made us dating public, people began saying I would be a distraction that would end up negatively affecting your career. Also that with they way I look, you must only be in this for the sex," I began, "even when the picture of you and Kira Keen began circulating and everyone believed that we were over and you had moved on, they were still hating on me. I don't understand why; I haven't done anything to anyone."

"You can't please everyone, Scarlett. People will always have negative things to say out of their insecurities and feelings of jealousy," he spoke, carefully as if not to upset me more, "did you even notice Kira receiving hate as well? Just for that one photo of her with me?"

"I didn't," I murmured quietly, realising that all I was concentrating on was the hate said towards me, not the kind comments or hate of others.

"Please don't read the comments, I don't want them to ruin what we have."

"You're very serious about me," I found myself smiling softly as I opened my eyes and turned to look at him.

"I am," he admitted with a small shrug, his arm resting comfortably on the back of the couch with his body turned towards mine.

He had taken a shower and changed into comfortable clothes; simple sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Why were you being so... aggressive?" I had to ask, finishing my second glass of wine. I turned to face him completely, my legs folded over on the couch. I leaned my side against the backrest, already feeling a little tipsy after not having had much to eat today.

"Aggressive?" He raised his brows a little.

"Yes. During the game," I spoke, "you seemed so angry."

"I was," Theo admitted without a second thought, his dark eyes causing me to feel hot, "just before we went on the field, I heard about the conspiracy of you and Tim being together based on your tweets. Of course it was no conspiracy..."

"I was watching the match with him. You know there's nothing between him and me anymore," I reminded him.

"Yes, but I still hate to think about him being closer to you than I am."

"Mentally or physically?" I raised my brows, a small and smug smirk tugging at the side of my lips.

I was about to pour myself a third glass of wine, but his hand on my ankle caused me to pause my action and meet his gaze.

"I think you've had enough wine, Tinker Bell."

"Oh, please," I giggled, rolling my eyes gently, "just one more glass. I'm more fun when I'm tipsy, anyway."

"I think you're fun completely sober as well," he told me while I poured myself another half-a-glass of wine.

"Mentally," he cleared his throat while I was taking a sip.


"I don't like the thought of Tim being mentally closer to you. Obviously I don't like the thought of you two being physical, but I know there's no chance of that, he's too much of a—"

He cut himself off at my warning expression.

"This sounds extremely selfish of me, but I don't want you to trust him the way you've trusted me enough to open up about your family. I want to be that person you trust completely."

A small breath left my lips, completely hypnotised by Theo. I wanted this to work so much, it hurt. I wanted him so much it hurt.

"I don't know," he chuckled in an almost sad way, shaking his head down at his lap, "I'm falling for you. I hadn't planned it, or these feelings to be so strong... and now I'm sounding like a complete pussy—"

I dived towards him, my free hand landing on his shoulder and lips pressing against his.

"Shit, shit," he was quick to pull away from him, "Scarlett."

I followed his eyes, which were on the front of his hoodie. A small 'oh' left my lips when I realised I had spilt a bit of my wine onto the grey fabric, staining it.

"I'm sorry, I—"

He sighed and gave me a small grin, "that's fine. Next time you want me to take my top off though, you could just ask me to."

I laughed and gently nudged him. I took one more sip of the wine before placing my glass on the coffee table in front of us. Theo did so as well, before leaning back against the couch casually.

I scooted closer to him and gently cupped his jaw with my hands. I pecked his lips, grinning when he smiled. There was a fire at the pit of my stomach, and I knew he was the only one who could do something about it.

"This might sound extremely selfish of me," I murmured against his lips, quoting what he'd said before, "but I don't want anyone to think you're with anyone else but me."

"Neither do I," he pressed his lips against mine, hand finding my waist and tugging me closer.

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