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"How do you manage to piss off Frosty and get yourself scratched after a minute of you being here?" I sighed, holding back a small giggle while my eyes met his dark ones.

I carefully cleaned the small cut on his thumb with a cotton pad, which had some alcohol on it, while holding his hand on my lap as I sat on the sofa so, that I was facing his side.

"Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something..." I shrugged, directing my attention back down to his hand. I got rid of the cotton pad and grabbed a small band-aid from my first aid kit.

"Your damn cat just doesn't like me," he grumbled, not very pleased that I had insisted of taking care of the small cut.

"It's not her fault. She's just protective," I reasoned gently, opening up the band-aid and then carefully wrapping it around the tip of his thumb.

"Or maybe she's just evil," he cleared his throat, shifting on his place a bit once I had packed up the first aid kit again.

"Maybe she doesn't like strange men manipulating their way inside my home..." I shrugged, meeting his eyes and raising my brows challengingly.

"You feel the same way, then?" He asked.

I had to let out a small laugh, looking away, "if it was any other man than you, then of course. I don't even know how I feel with you..."

I brought his thumb up to my lips before giving the band-aid covered tip a slow kiss.

"I think you'll survive," I gave him a smile, eyes meeting his intense gaze. He blinked slowly, before the sides of his lips tugged up.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I sure as fuck won't," he shook his head, chuckling quietly to himself.

Even though we were just seated on the sofa in my living room, the dimness of our surroundings and proximity were really causing this whole situation feel so incredibly intimate. Or maybe it was just the way he was, and how he was looking at me.

All in all, I felt hot. So incredibly hot. Yet my craving for sleep was overpowering my craving for him, as well as my rational mind.

"Thank you for saving my life again, love," he spoke after I hadn't answered, "I owe you."

"It was just a small cut, it's no big deal," I let out a quiet laugh, definitely affected by him in the most sinful ways, "so... should I get us tea while you pick a movie? I'm fine with anything, I just need to get a bit of studying done—"

He was quick to lean in and kiss me, cutting me off. I couldn't bring myself to actually kiss Theo back, as much as I wanted to.

"Theo, you promised me no sex... I'm tired enough as it is, and I need to study..." I frowned, shaking my head at him. He wasn't the only one I was worried about when it came to us possibly having sex tonight. I was having to hold myself back as well, yet without even trying hard, he was breaking down those walls.

"That was a kiss, last time I checked. Not sex, birdie," his brows raised at me, comfortably leaning back against the backrest of the sofa while I sat with my legs crossed, still facing his side.

"No sex does still leave so much for us to do, doesn't it?" He then smirked, watching my expression shift drastically.

"Oh, Lord..." I laughed, shaking my head down at my lap, "I should have been more specific."

"Thank fuck you weren't," he gently nudged me, the grin in his voice very audible, "I missed you..."

I smiled and gathered myself, before standing up.

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