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I hadn't spoken with Theo in a week. No calls, no texts... nothing.

It had almost been four months since he'd moved away, and I knew that it was inevitable for us to lose contact at some point. I had always feared it.

On some level, I thanked my busy schedule as it kept my mind away from him and our loss of contact.

I sent him a message before I headed off to work.

To: Theo: Frosty misses you x

Even now, after work and in the evening, when Linda and I were finishing up decorating at my house, I still hadn't received any kind of reply.

I had kept as far away from news of him as possible as not to torture myself, so I had no idea what he was even up to.

In a few hours, guests would start arriving and finally, Elliot, whom we were planning on surprising for his birthday today.

Both Linda and I had been avoiding him at the hospital today, wanting him to think we had completely forgotten what day today was.

"I have the alcohol ready," I checked it off the small to-do list I had on my phone.

"Great," Linda called from the living room, "I'm working on the lights!"

I sat down at the island table and looked through my messages.

I opened up my chat with Theo. My brows furrowed and confusion set in, when I realised he had read the message without having replied.

I debated on if I should send him another message, or maybe even call him, before guests would start arriving, but decided not to.

Everything about him living so far away was painful to me, especially now when we barely talked anymore. I should have asked him about that Spanish model when it first started circulating, because now it really felt like he had found someone else.

"Lettie, is everything okay?" Linda popped into the kitchen, looking beautiful in a black sequinned dress.

I gave her a small smile and was about to reply with the truth, until the doorbell rang.

"I'm fine," I decided to just tell her, before getting up and rushing past her to open the door.


"This will be the best movie night ever!" I told Elliot with a bright grin, leading him up towards the front door of my house.

Our friends were inside, the lights off so it would be even more of a surprise. I also had on a jacket, which hid my colourful and sparkly top. I had on simple, high-waisted, black skinny jeans, which really could pass for everyday use.

Elliot clearly had no idea, and my excitement for the surprise overpowered my worries concerning Theo and me.

"I like what you've done with your hair," he cleared his throat almost nervously, and I sent him a wide smile over my shoulder.

"I've just curled it a little," I shrugged, still not letting on that we were all very aware of it being his birthday.

"You look beautiful," his tone was more sincere than I would maybe have liked it to be.

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