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The weekend Theo had wanted to fly me out to see him in Spain, I had been so busy at the hospital I had had to decline.

Dr Stanley had surprised me though, by letting me off early during that Friday and randomly deciding to give me an extra free weekend because of my hard work. I had ended up going out with Emma, Red, Cherry, Elise, Linda, and Elliot, whom I had decided to invite along with us after having chatted to him a few more times at the hospital.

It had all been very short notice and, when Theo had casually texted me to find out what I was up to, he had heard I was out at Leo's instead of working as I had told him.

This, of course, made me feel like he thought I had turned down his proposal to fly out to Spain without a proper reason. He didn't say anything about it at the time though, but I knew.

This weekend, I was completely free from work and decided to surprise Theo. Since Anne was flying out to see him and had invited me to join her, I had said yes.


"I spilt coffee on Dr Stanley," Elliot grumbled and sat down to have lunch with Linda and me.

I laughed, "you need to stop spilling coffee on people, it's not a very nice thing to do."

Linda agreed with a nod, "are you trying to have them take their clothes off?"

"No! Good God, no," he shook his head frantically, "I was rushing again, and... it was very hot! I spilt seriously hot coffee on Dr Stanley! I gave him third degree burns!"

I cringed and shook my head, "third degree burns? Was he wearing clothes?"

"It might've been second degree burns," he corrected, a small smile forming onto his lips. Elliot had a baby-face, and was all around a very adorable human being.

"Go back to school if you can't tell third from second degree burns," Linda scoffed and I nudged her.

"Be nice. Where's that coming from, anyway?" I wondered, and she shook her head.

"Elise is away seeing her family. I haven't heard from her in two days," she explained. A smile formed onto my lips.

"I'm sure she's fine," I assured her, "you know how close she is with her parents..."

"I know," Linda sighed, "I just miss her. How are you even alive with Theo so far away?"

"We keep in touch often. We're both quite busy people anyway," I shrugged, "do you have anyone, Elliot?"

I looked back at him to find his eyes already on me, clearly pondering through something.

"I, uh... no," he cleared his throat and glanced away.


From: Theo: Mum's coming to visit me this weekend. Did you watch our match?

To: Theo: Anne told me! And I'm so sorry, I didn't have time ): I've been so busy, I hope you understand xx

We had just boarded his private jet, everyone around us aware of my intentions to surprise Theo. He had no idea I was coming, and it made me feel extremely giddy.

From: Theo: Okay. As long as you've had time to go out with your friends.

I sensed a lot of passive aggressiveness in his text, and my brows furrowed. The jet began moving slowly towards the runway, Anne already asleep opposite me.

To: Theo: That was last weekend, totally last minute. I would have come to see you in Spain if I had known I'd get the weekend off, but I didn't know until Friday afternoon x

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