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"Are you nervous?" Theo made his way over me to after I'd locked my car. I felt as if I was shaking at this point, unable to stay still on my own two feet.

"Very," an uneven breath left my lips. Our eyes stayed connected as he stepped in front of me.

"I'm here, I've got you," he assured me, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear, "the only thing you should be nervous about is, if your father likes the gift we've got him."

I nodded, a small laugh slipping past my lips, "he will. He's a huge football fan and loves chocolates."

"See? Then we've got nothing to worry about, love."

The fact that he said 'we' made me relax immensely. It truly confirmed that he was in this with me, and supported me. The feelings he ignited within me - mental and physical - were reaching a stage that I could only describe as love.

The way he watched me, touched me, seemed to read my mind whenever I just needed him to understand me without having to put my thoughts into words... he was too good to be true.

I had a small fear that something bad was going to happen. It may be just because I've never had anything this pure and good happen to me, but it may also be something else. At this point, I trusted him fully. He made me feel so safe, comfortable and cared for, yet at the same time incredibly hot, needy and bothered by just being himself. There was so much to lose if something bad did happen; I would be in ruins.

I rang the doorbell of the gorgeous and cozy white house, perfect for something just outside of town, surrounded only by fields and forests.

I could hear muffled speaking from inside, and then steps nearing the front door. My heart was beating fast.

It felt like ages until the door finally opened.

"Scarlett," it was Louis. He looked thinner than before, the underneaths of his eyes darker than I remembered, but his smile was still the exact same.

"Louis," I returned the smile, "this is my boyfriend, Th—"

"I know who you are," he turned to Theo, "it's really good to finally meet you."

"You too," Theo gave him a polite nod while they shook hands.

Next thing I knew, Louis had stepped out of the front door and was wrapping his arms around me. Hesitantly, I hugged back. The memory of him yelling at me and nearing me with a knife in his hand flashed through my mind, but I forced it down.

"I've missed you," he murmured, his arms squeezing me tightly.

This was my baby brother, and I still loved him despite everything.

"I've missed you, too," I replied, pulling back. I gave him a tightlipped smile and took my time in studying his features for a moment.

"Come inside," Louis then cleared his throat, speaking to both of us, "Lucy's gone down to the shop, she'll be back in an hour. Dad's watching the telly."

He stepped back inside the house, and we followed him. My dad had moved here when Louis and I no longer lived with him. I had only been here a couple of times, the memories of that mostly Louis trying to manipulate us both to get money for his drugs.

"Who's Lucy?" I asked, taking in our surroundings.

"My girlfriend," Louis turned around with his bright smile, "I met her at rehab. She's great."

"Oh. That's lovely," I had no clue what else to say. I felt like the strong brother-sister bond we used to share was so damaged, he - on some level - felt like a stranger.

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