7 (R)

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"That was extremely horrible," he mumbled while rolling the condom on.

He was finally completely naked, as was I, and now situated between my legs on the bed within my dimly lit bedroom.

I couldn't stop grinning at his clear displeasure of having had to go outside and walk the short distance to his car, from where he then retrieved two condoms. He had told me the second one was just in case the first one broke, but I had a hunch he was planning a second round.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad," I replied, voice a little sultry to gain the attention of his dark eyes back on mine. I brought my hands up to replace his, finishing up with rolling the condom on.

I then took to run my hand over him, watching as the pleasure of my touch was instantly portrayed on his face.

"The old lady who lives in the house across the street was staring at me through a window," he raised his brows at me, and I couldn't hold back a small laugh.

"I'm sorry, Theo. I'm pretty sure you liked the attention, though..." I shrugged.

He now fell forwards, supporting his extremely well built body above mine by his strong arms. His lips met my jaw while I gently and teasingly jacked him off between our bodies.

"The only attention I want right now is yours, Tinker Bell," his voice was low enough to send a hot pang of need down south, and my back just about arched.

"You definitely have it," I breathed, giving his member more pressure.

"Can I?" He rasped out, lips finding mine for a brief moment while he took ahold of himself and then angled his tip to run over my clit a few times. The pressure he applied made me moan quietly, feeling some type of relief for the tension, that had been building up inside me for what felt like ages now.

"Yes, yes," I nodded mindlessly, grasping onto his biceps for some type of hold, awaiting what was to come. I hadn't had sex in a moment, so this was bound to hurt a tad, mostly because of how blessed he was down there.


He kissed me, muffling the quiet and strangled sound that rose up from my throat when he pushed himself inside me. He did it slowly and carefully though, not hurting me.

Low sounds of approval left both our lips, and were muffled by our kiss, once he was fully seated inside me. My eyes almost rolled back into my head at the delicious pressure.

Our kiss was slow and passionate once he began gently moving inside of me. Our bodies moved surprisingly beautifully in sync.

"Theo..." I breathed out after he moved his lips down to my jaw and then neck.

My hands moved along his arms up to his shoulders, while his pace gained just a bit of speed now that we were both comfortable. From his shoulders, I let my hands move to his back, nails dragging along his muscled body.

"Is this good?" He murmured out, lips brushing against my hot skin.

"Yes," I nodded mindlessly, letting my eyes roll back when he hit a particularly deep and sweet spot inside me with his smooth and precise thrusts.

His lips moved along my neck, down my collarbone and to my chest. He sucked and nipped gently, twitching inside of me every time he gained moans from my lips.

"You're so sexy," he groaned quietly before pulling back enough to be able to study my face. With my lips slightly parted, I opened my eyes to find his.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and tugged him down for a needy and passionate kiss.

It didn't take long for me to hit my high after that. I had little time to me amazed since I didn't remember the last time I'd orgasmed during sex without even touching myself. My back arched and a wave of ecstasy rolled through my body.

"Jesus," I moaned, grasping onto the man on top of me for dear life while with a few thrusts, he groaned and came into the condom. He rode out our highs and then pulled out before falling onto his back beside me on the bed.

"Wow," he let out a breathless chuckle while I tried to calm down my breathing. He rid himself of the condom, tied it up, and threw it into a small bin I had under my night stand.


"Is it okay I stay the night?" Theo then asked, tugging the duvet over us. I let out a small laugh and nodded weakly, still feeling absolutely amazing.

"Yes, of course. I hope this wasn't too bad, considering that concussion of yours..." I gave him a tightlipped smile after holding the duvet over my chest and turning onto my side, facing towards his body.

"One more word about the concussion, and I bloody swear," he laughed, running a hand through his hair. I smiled to myself, glancing down at the bed between us.

"I have training tomorrow, or today, actually," he had checked his watch. I didn't even want to know what time it was, knowing my sleeping pattern would be extremely messed up once Monday came.

"Do you think I'll live if I go?"

"You will," I gently nudged him, "how early do you need to be going?"

I was hoping if he left early, he would wake me up in the process so that I'd be able to start my day and study without spending a late morning in bed.

I couldn't quite fathom how good looking Theo Black was, and that he was now laying naked next to me underneath the duvet.

"As early as four in the afternoon. We have the whole start of the day to spend together, and lucky you, I brought a second condom," he sent me the most adorable grin and my heart swelled, as did the smile on my face.

"I love your smile, Tinker Bell," he added more seriously, eyes dark and intensely studying my face. He was still on his back, his head turned towards me while I was cuddled up on my side to face him.

"We've had sex, you can stop flattering me now, Theo," I teased quietly, giving him a more gentle smile now.

"Wasn't flattering you to get into your pants, love," he chuckled, shaking his head at me. "I'll stop if you'd like me to, though."

"No, no," I assured him, hand reaching out to place itself on his hard and bare chest softly, "it's nice."

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