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I woke up to the most annoying 'ping' sound emitted by my phone right beside my pillow. I groaned and rolled around to bury my face into the smooth and white cover of a pillow.

My head was pounding with a killer hangover. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to lessen the annoyance the small amount of light coming from my phone screen was causing me, in my otherwise completely dark bedroom.

Since this didn't seem to work, I cursed quietly to myself and grabbed my phone. I hastily turned the brightness down before squinting my eyes to focus on the message that had woken me up.

From: Unknown Number: Hey, how are you? It's Theo Black.

Oh, dear Lord.

Events from last night began re-entering my head, and I distinctly remember talking to him a great deal.

I had flirted with the assistant captain of our national football team, whom I'd also given a painkiller to on the previous day.

To: Theo: Hi, Theo. I feel half alive, how about you?

It was only 9 AM, why was he texting me this early?

From: Theo: I'm sure a nurse knows how to get rid of a hangover, no? And I feel great, besides the fact that I'm in a meeting now and can't go to practice.

To: Theo: I'm not a licensed nurse, yet. Not going to practice is only for your best, I'm sure you'll enjoy taking a day to relax.

I had no idea how he was awake this early on a Saturday, and had nothing better to do than to text me.

He was a very endearing and attractive man, and I knew for a fact that he had plenty of women following football just to see him.

I was about to place my phone away to get a few more hours of sleep, until his next message caught my eye.

From: Theo: About that, I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me?

My brows furrowed and I read his text over twice. I admit that I felt a little confused and wondered why he wanted to have lunch with me.

To: Theo: I don't think I'll be out of my bed until the afternoon...

From: Theo: Don't you mean my bed?

My brows furrowed, and I immediately reached over to where my nightstand would be. It wasn't there.

Lord have mercy.

I fumbled with my phone to turn on the flashlight, and scanned the room with it.

My heart fell down to my stomach when I realised this wasn't my bedroom. I must have slept at Theo's after the club.

The room seemed extremely bachelor-paddy and expensive. I mean, he was a famous and single football player, I had no idea what else I should have been expecting.

Then again, I shouldn't have been expecting anything. I couldn't believe I'd somehow ended up at his house... this was beyond awkward.

I quickly sat up in his bed and thanked the Lord I was still wearing my dress from last night. My hair felt like a mess though, and I daren't even start to imagine what my makeup looked like.

To: Theo: Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry, I'll leave in a few minutes!

From: Theo: No, love, there's no hurry. Just come to dinner with me tonight. You do kind of owe me, though. You're the reason why I can't go to practice today and I did pay for those drinks last night..

Oh, gosh. I remember that as well.

I almost groaned again, just wanting the bed to swallow me up like in A Nightmare on Elm Street. Without all the blood, of course.

To: Theo: Fine, alright. One date.

I was too hungover and half-asleep to even register what I'd typed out before having sent it to him. I didn't think it was possible for me to feel even more embarrassed, but I guess I was wrong.

From: Theo: A date? Works for me, Tinker Bell. Stay at mine for as long as you like and then send me your address, I'll pick you up at 7 PM from wherever you are. x

I hesitated for a moment, before sending him my address. I guess if he turned out to be a murdered or a stalker, I could always move.

I decided to leave in under an hour, it didn't feel right staying here when he was in some meeting.

The urge to use the bathroom pushed me to get out of bed even faster. I cursed to myself while scrambling out of bed and beginning the journey to the en suite. The darkness helped my hangover a little, but stabbed me in the back when I stubbed my toe against a very rude piece of furniture.

"Piss off," I shot a glare into the darkness while lifting my foot up to soothe the ache. Awkwardly on one foot, I hopped the last few meters to the bathroom door and opened it.

I took a few breaths to prepare myself mentally before I turned on the bright lights. Keeping my eyes squinted, I wobbled inside and took a short moment to admire the exterior.

I studied myself in the mirror, again thanking whatever was out there that at least I was still wearing my dress. Last night hadn't been too wild, then.

A few seconds later, though, I realised this wasn't even my dress.


Half a bottle of painkillers and a coffee later, I had managed to get out of his flat.

I didn't feel so bad anymore. I was able to keep my eyes open without actually despising each and every atom that the world consisted of.

To: Theo: I left just now, thank you for letting me help myself to painkillers and coffee.

He replied after a few minutes, while I called a taxi.

From: Theo: That's fine, Scarlett. You looked pretty hungover...

The taxi arrived quicker than I had expected, and I got in. I almost sighed in relief when I was finally on my way back to my place.

To: Theo: I'm sorry, what? What do you mean, looked?

From: Theo: I have a security camera by the front door. Just made sure you didn't steal my cappuccino machine, or anything of that sort...x

To: Theo: Uhm... that's a tad creepy... I wouldn't steal anything, believe me. I feel bad enough that I slept over.

From: Theo: I was teasing about the stealing part. I was just checking up on you, in a non-creepy way.

To: Theo: Sure... I guess I'll see you tonight, yes?

The taxi arrived at my house, and I paid him. After that, I got out and managed to drag myself inside.

"Hey, baby," I murmured to my gorgeous and white two-year-old cat Frosty, who miaowed quietly while making her way towards me from the kitchen.

I slipped out of my heels and walked past her, checking she still had water from last evening. I changed it though, and added more food to a bowl next to it.

"There you go," I cooed, gently running my hand along her back when she arrived by me.

Once she began eating, I left her and went to make myself more coffee in the dim kitchen. My house wasn't very extravagant or fancy, like Theo's flat seemed to be, but more cozy and just fitting for me.

I didn't spend a lot of time here anyway, because of my studies and such.

From: Theo: I'll pick you up in a Ferrari instead of a Lambo, because I'm modest like that ;)

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