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Theo had given us a tour of his home here in Madrid.

It was a gorgeous house, but I was too occupied with actually taking everything about him in again to fully concentrate on the modern architecture.

He had got a little more stubble than before, and did have slightly dark under-eyes, which he hadn't had before. Once again I was wondering if he was sleeping enough.

"Scarlett?" His dark eyes met mine, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Hm?" I cleared my throat. He was well aware of how I had been admiring him, and the small smirk forming onto his lips confirmed it further.

"I've made dinner," Theo then informed me as I hadn't heard the first time. Anne was smiling almost knowingly beside me.

"Ah, that's great," I nodded, feeling hot underneath his intense and hungry gaze. His eyes were the kind I found myself getting completely lost in, until Anne cleared her throat.

"I'll go take a shower, I'll join you for dinner," she told us, "feel free to start without me."

"Sure," Theo gave her a nod before his eyes returned to mine. I hadn't even noticed Anne had walked up the stairs, and into the guest room she was staying in, until Theo took my hand in his and guided me into a more secluded area of the beautiful white house.

"You're an absolute vision," he murmured. I found myself leaning against a wall, his body dangerously nearing mine. I felt way too hot.

"Theo, I—"

"Shh, baby," his hot lips brushed against mine, hands on my hips, "you have no idea how much I've missed having you with me. I can't sleep properly without you, I'm a bloody mess."

A shiver ran down my spine and a shaky breath left my lips, my core clenching, "we need to talk about our texts from earlier today..."

He pulled back a bit to find my eyes with his. I felt intoxicated by his delicious scent, unable to find words for how I'd missed him for the past month.

Even when he had been quick to debunk any kind of rumours about him that could have begun making me uncomfortable and upset, nothing made me feel as good as I did when with him.

"I'm sorry for overreacting," Theo apologised after glancing down at the small space between our fronts and running a hand through his hair, "I wasn't expecting to be the first to be so affected by this. I thought you'd be first, so I was just waiting for you to start taking even more distance to me, and I...I overthought it too much. Shit got to me."

"Everything's okay. I just don't want you directing your frustration at me..." I gave him a gentle smile, my hand cupping his cheek and thumb brushing over his cheekbone in a caring way, "I wanted to fly out to see you last weekend. I really did believe I'd be working though, Dr Stanley completely surprised me."

"You could still have told me about it, my jet could have been ready to fly you within an hour..." he shook his head with a quiet laugh, "but that's all in the past. Sorry for acting the way I did, I've just started overthinking about how you'll find this too hard and leave me..."

"Theo..." I frowned, not wanting him to worry about things like that, "don't think like that. This'll be the best weekend ever, concentrate on that."

"God, I've missed you. You have absolutely no idea."

I sighed out a small giggle, "I've missed you too. We've been over this already, ha—"

His lips on mine silenced me. I was kissing back without a second thought, my hands cupping his relaxed jaw while my body revelled in the feeling of his pushing up against mine.

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