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"Why do I feel like a kid on Christmas day?" Tim chuckled, hand comfortingly on my lower back while I leaned back against the bar counter.

I had stayed longer tonight than I'd expected, but since Emma and I seemed to be getting along just fine, and we all were having a good time, a few drinks had become half a dozen. Thank the Lord I had a day off tomorrow.

I laughed, gently nudging him, "just because you're now buddies with two men on the national football team?"

He gave me a small look, half heartedly, "that, and because I'm with a really gorgeous girl."

I just gave him a smile before looking down at my shoes. Emma and Justin were doing a little dance number, mostly just enjoying each other since he'd been gone for two weeks and only seen her once. They seemed like a really tight knit couple.

"You're beautiful, Scarlett," his voice lowered, still audible over the music in here, while his lips made contact with the side of my face.

"You've had too much to drink, Tim," I carefully inched away from him then, gaining a small space between my side and his front. "I should be heading home now..."

"Huh? You're leaving already?" Theo arrived in front of me, one hand holding a beer he'd just gone to get for himself, while the other was tucked into the front pocket of his jeans.

I gave him a tight lipped smile, straightening my top a little. Tim had closed the distance between him and I, and now had his arm wrapped around my waist. Theo noticed it, but kept his eyes focused on mine.

"It's getting late," I spoke, "my sleeping schedule has really suffered enough."

A small grin tugged at the sides of his lips, stunning dark eyes gazing at me in a way that had these annoying butterflies filling my tummy.

"One dance, then I'll let you leave," he replied, mischief glimmering in the corners of his eyes. I felt totally useless and limp as he reached for my hand and gently took it in his. Theo then carefully made me step forward and away from Tim's hold.

"I'll get her back to you in one piece, mate," Theo then told Tim, all kindness gone from his tone. The bottle of beer he had been holding was handed to Tim.

When I looked up, all he did was give me a smile before leading me further into the crowd of people who were slowly dancing along to the smooth R&B music.

"You could be a little more friendly towards him. He's a fan of you guys and has done nothing tonight but be kind and polite towards you..." I frowned a bit once I had turned to face him and his hands had pulled my front closer to his from my waist. We began moving smoothly and gently to the music.

"Sure, sure," he didn't seem too interested in what I had said, and instead brought one hand up to brush a few strands of my hair behind my ear, his eyes following the action closely.

"You know, I'm not going to give you what you want, Theo," I told him with a small shake of my head. The side of his lips only tugged up a little as he watched me intensely.

"And what do I want, Tinker Bell?" He leaned in to brush his lips almost in a feather-like way along the side of my ear, sending goosebumps down my arms and a burning and clenching need down to my core.

"Too much. I'm leaving after this song," I reminded him weakly, and he nodded once.

"Let me give you a ride home, then," he offered and I laughed quietly.

"You must be joking. We've both had a bit to drink, and it would be dangerous to start driving. I'm calling a taxi."

We weren't drunk, thank God, but still I knew the dangers of driving under the influence, and would never subject myself to it.

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