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"Scarlett, hey!" Emma's voice broke me out of the small bubble that had formed around Theo and I in the lobby of the hotel.

We had been waiting for Alfred to send a message that he was in front of the main doors, waiting for us to get in.

As silly as it does sound, the week apart - now that we were growing more and more serious and real - had resulted in us being almost unable to keep our hands off each other. Even now, in the middle of everything, his hands were holding me closer than needed from my hips and he was teasing me with small flirts and dirty jokes. I had arrived only three hours ago to his suite.

"Hey!" I gave her a small wave as her and Justin were making their way towards us from the elevators. Behind them, Felix and Red.

Theo stood beside me, his arm casually going over my shoulders.

"It's good to see you, Scarlett," Justin gave me friendly hug.

"Scarlett, you have met Felix, haven't you?" Red spoke, giving me a smile.

I had sort of met Felix before, in the hospital when I'd first met Theo and when I'd gone to watch their practice. We really hadn't spoken, though.

"It's nice to see you again," I gave the man a smile as we shook hands.

"You too. Theo still won't shut up about you," he gave me a kind grin.

I laughed gently, holding his hand which was resting by my shoulder.

"Where are you two off to?" Emma asked, her arm going around Justin's arm.

"Shopping," Theo told her, "you?"

"Brunch," Emma told him. Our interest then directed over at Red and Felix. I hadn't seen them together before; they were clearly very in love.

"I'd love to go see the city, but I've heard they don't take too well to gays here," Red shrugged, his and Felix's fingers intertwined.

Theo had taken out his phone and was texting somebody. A little rude as we were with our friends, but it was his choice...

"I've heard so too..." I frowned a little, "it's such a shame."

"Yeah, well, what can you do," Felix shrugged, "there's a swimming pool and spa downstairs. We're going to spend the day there."

"That sounds so lovely," Emma smiled widely.

Without warning, Theo suddenly pulled his arm back from over my shoulders and turned me around to face him. His hands landed on my shoulders while my brows furrowed.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, baffled by his sudden actions.

He just gave me a cheeky smirk, clearly up to something.

"Shit, she's gonna freak..." I faintly heard Justin murmuring behind me.

"What's happening?" Just as I glanced back, my eyes landed on him. Cristiano bloody Ronald standing there, smiling at me.

My heart stopped beating for a moment. I stumbled and my back hit Theo's front, before his hands landed on my waist to steady me.

"Scarlett, meet Cristiano," I could hear the grin in his voice. He left a small kiss onto my cheek from behind while I gaped at the man standing in front of me.

"Hello, Scarlett. I've been waiting to meet you."

I seriously thought I would faint when Cristiano Ronaldo suddenly hugged me. I hugged back, stuttering out something incoherent.

"Hi," I squeaked out when we'd pulled back, still speechless, starstruck and frozen in my spot.

"You're even more beautiful in person than Theo had me believe," he spoke smoothly, his thick accent making him sound all the more amazing. I was still staring at him like an absolute dimwit.

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