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He requested I stay at his for the day, so we could both relax and get over our hangovers.

"I called in sick," I told him as he sat down next to me on his couch. I raised my knees up to my chest and smiled at his confused expression.

"You called in sick?"

"Yes," I shrugged and leaned against his side when his arm slid over my shoulders slowly. It felt incredible to be okay with him again, it was indescribable.

He had dimmed the lights, and we were about to find a good movie from Netflix.

"You've never called in sick before?" He was too interested in this, and left the remote on his lap casually. Theo's dark eyes were searching mine, amusement shining in them.

"Working with a hangover isn't something I want to experience... I also needed to talk to you, so..." I reasoned, turning to face the flatscreen on the opposite wall.

"You called in sick because of me?"

"Well, technically because of us," I laughed quietly, "this isn't happening again, though. We need to start being more open and honest with each other, and definitely not start running away when something happens..."

He agreed with a quiet murmur and surprised me with a kiss to my cheek.

"What was that for?" I turned to him with a playful smile. He shrugged, the sides of his lips pulling up into the most adorable little grin, somehow still igniting heat within me.

"You're just cute. And I love you," he told me casually, his words causing my heart to skip a few beats, "you don't want me to kiss you?"

Theo then raised his brows at me, expectant of an answer. Once I was positive I wasn't having heart palpitations due to him being so effortlessly amazing, I spoke.

"It's not that..."

He caught onto my playful tone, and his grin morphed into a sinfully sexy smirk, his brows still raised.

"What is it then? Do you want me to kiss you somewhere else?" His voice lowered, dark eyes intense on mine. I felt my core clench and didn't bother hiding the small blush that rose up to my cheeks.

"Maybe..." I smiled and shifted even closer to him, if that was possible.

"You're really something, Tinker Bell," Theo then chuckled and turned his attention back to Netflix.

My brows furrowed and smile faded. With the suggestive and seductive way he'd just spoken to me, I had gained very vivid ideas of where this was going.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked me, as if he hadn't just interrupted anything.

I narrowed my eyes at him and didn't reply. This caused him to glance over at me with a mischievous smile.

"Theo, I—"

"Netflix and chill, love. We need a movie to play in the background, don't we?" He seemed amused at my state, especially when my brows raised and lips parted in understanding.

"Oh," I managed out softly.

Deciding it really didn't matter at this point, I grabbed the remote and pressed play on the first movie that came up.

I tossed the remote onto the couch beside him, and shifted onto my knees to face his side, ready for the chill part.

I began slowly moving my hands along his hard and toned torso, confused as to why he still seemed to hesitate after the movie began playing.

"Scarlett, can I ask you something?" Theo turned to me with his brows still raised.


"Do you expect me to get hard with The Green Mile playing?"

Only then did I register what movie I'd chosen, and laughed. I sat back down on my knees and let my hands slip away from him.

"Oh, God... I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." I shook my head with a wide grin.

Theo chuckled after gently nudging me, and changed the movie to an American comedy-romance, one which I'd never seen before.

In no time, I was laying on my back on the couch with Theo hovering above me, situated deliciously between my legs and leaving barely any space between our fronts.

"I want you to tell me if things with my lifestyle get too much for you. We'll get away from London, we'll go anywhere you like. I just need you to tell me how you feel," he was murmuring against the sensitive skin on my neck, sending pleasurable waves coursing through my body.

My heart swelled and I smiled lightly to myself, "of course, I'll tell you."

"I'm serious. I can't deal with the idea of you leaving me because of anything relating to my profession," his voice had grown so much more deep and my core clenched at his tone, "we'll fly to Greece, get some sun and so on..."

I laughed and he pulled back a little, enough to find my eyes with his searching ones, "Greece? Just because I might feel bad about some kind of gossip magazines talking about me?"

"Sure. Or wherever you want, birdie," Theo nodded seriously, "promise me."

"Promise you?" I brought my hands up to cup his jaw lovingly.

"To tell me if you feel too uncomfortable. We can get away from everything, just the two of us," his voice was rough but gentle, as if that was even possible.

"Okay, I promise."

He kissed me, sealing the promise, "good."

Just before I had the chance to start deepening the kiss, my whole body craving him in unspeakable ways, Theo seized the kiss to glance over at the movie quickly.

Some cliché joke made him grin with light amusement, before his eyes found mine again.

"I love you," I told him, my voice barely a whisper. His grin faded into a gentle smile, and he kissed me again.


Total shit chapter lol oops

I'm now publishing the rest of the book how it was, no new chapters will be added ( besides the bonus chapters at the end;)) )


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