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I felt like I had run out of tears.

It had to have been nearing the early morning hours when Theo had managed to calm me down. I didn't have energy to feel embarrassed for how clearly I was broken by this.

"Are you asleep?" His voice was gentle, as gentle as his fingers were running through my hair as I laid in his arms, the darkness of his bedroom enveloping us.

"No," my voice was hoarse from all the crying, "I can't sleep..."

Too many painful thoughts were clouding my mind, preventing me from even closing my eyes in fear of everything disappearing. I was losing him, and after everything we had been through, I felt like I couldn't handle this.

"Me neither," Theo cleared his throat a little. My head was on his chest, body laying on top of his like a baby while listening to his steady heartbeat.

I was glad I didn't have to go to the hospital tomorrow. I only had to study a little, but even that seemed like an impossible task now.

"I have an idea."

"Please, I— I can't talk about the future anymore," my voice broke a little.

"You won't need to, love," he suddenly sat up, causing me to sit up on his lap in the process. My eyes met his in the darkness, and an overpowering sense of just wanting to forget everything and drown in him filled me.

"Let's go for a drive," Theo gave me a small smile, and my brows furrowed.

"What time is it?"

He reached for his phone and the light coming from his screen illuminated our surroundings, "4 AM."

"There's no place to drive to," the tiniest laugh slipped my lips, somehow able to be amused by his suggestion.

His dark eyes focused on mine immediately, and his smile widened just a little.

"Yes, there is. Trust me on this, it'll be fun," and then he closed the small space between us to kiss me, holding himself up in a sitting position with one hand behind him.

I kissed him back, but all too soon he pulled back. I felt his hand on my behind, giving it a gentle smack as an encouragement for me to get up.

"Are we really going on a drive?" I asked quietly and climbed off his lap onto the bed.



"Which one?"

I had never been in his garage before, and was astonished by the variety of cars he had here.

Some must cost more than an average person made in a year, but I was too tired by reality to care.

"What's the fastest?" I turned to find him watching me with a faint smile.

His brows raised at me a bit, "are you sure you're up for that? I've got pretty fast cars..."

I shrugged, "I can handle it. I want to feel like I'm flying."

A small chuckle slipped his lips, before he nodded for me to follow him. I did. We walked past a few cars - not all of them were expensive sports cars, some looked like classics - before reaching a very futuristic looking sleek black sports car.

Theo opened up the passenger's side door for me, "get in, Tinker Bell."

"Bossy. I like it," I managed a small smile, knowing he wanted to take my mind as far away as possible from his likely move to Spain soon.

Before sitting down in the very low car, I cupped his jaw and gently kissed him.

"I love you," I spoke in an almost inaudible whisper against his lips, "so much."

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