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From: Linda: So, how'd it go? Good, I presume, since I never heard back from you last night!

I smiled to myself before quickly casting a glance over at the eggs I was cooking on the stove to make sure they were still looking alright. I lowered the temperature, and replied to Linda.

To: Linda: Very well, actually. He's sleeping upstairs in my bed right now.. I'm cooking breakfast and haven't had the heart to wake up him up yet...

Her reply was astronomically fast.

From: Linda: Oh, girly! Theo Black with our little Scarlett Dubois! Was he good?

I held back a laugh, smiling extremely widely. I felt so carefree and relaxed this morning, studying could wait until he left.

To: Linda: I'm not answering that! I'll see you tomorrow at work, okay?

A message from Elise then popped up.

From: Elise: what did I just hear from Linds? I knew this would happen when I read your horoscope yesterday morning!

To: Elise: Why are you two getting so crazy over this? It was just a ONS.

From: Elise: with Theo bloody Black, Lettie! He has a very well inclined aura to him, if you catch my drift.

"Coach changed up the training a bit, I need to be there—" loud footsteps descended the stairs, and I almost fell from my seat at the island table before quickly locking my phone. God forbid he was to ever see those messages...

Theo popped into the kitchen, hair damp from a shower he had apparently just taken. He was wearing his suit trousers and dress shirt from last night, still managing to look like an absolute snack.

"A full English? Damn, I really need to stay the night more often," he sent me an almost suggestive wink while walking over to place a quick kiss onto my temple. His hand brushed over my back and I felt my body warm up.

I laughed quietly before getting up from my seat and making my way over to the stove.

Theo took a seat opposite mine, hungrily eyeing the plate with toast, beans, slices of tomato, mushrooms, and bacon on it.

"I still have the eggs coming," I told him with a smile sent over my shoulder and in his direction.

"You're a blessing, Scarlett, thank you."

I slid half of the eggs onto his plate, and the other half onto mine.

"What time do you need to leave, then?" I spoke as we ate, remembering what he had said on his way downstairs.

His brows raised at me with a small and mischievous grin tugging at the side of his lips, "it's almost as if you want me to leave, no?"

I sighed out a small laugh and gave him a shake of my head in reply, "well, I mean, you look like you want to eat my breakfast as well, so just to keep my food storage somehow intact..."

"You look quite edible yourself, do you know that?"

I raised my brows at him, taken aback by his crude suggestion, "do I? Cannibalistically or sexu—"

"Sexually, Tinker Bell, obviously," he grinned, while I fully enjoyed the way he was quite clearly making me feel.

"Moving on..." I laughed quietly, teasingly shaking my head at him as an attempt to avoid anything else intimate happening between us.

Our lifestyles were so incredibly different and we'd never work out.

"What time does your training start?" I returned back to my original question.

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