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It had been a few days since I'd seen Theo.

He had been busy with his football, and I had been busy with studies and the hospital. We had texted a couple of times, mostly about the aftermath of him having replied to a paparazzo's comment of me. The video of it had gone viral, and had even been on the news.

"Your girlfriend Scarlett is beautiful, Theo," the video had Theo walking out of a restaurant towards a tinted black car with a few of his friends.

He raised his eyes from the ground and slowed down upon hearing the man behind the camera. A small and almost unnoticeable smile pulled at the sides of his lips, ignoring flashes and other comments being directed towards him.

"She is, but we're just dating," he replied, intense dark eyes focused on the man. His strong features looked even more delicious from the camera's slightly lowered angle.

The video cut off after one of the men Theo had been with stepped up to him and had thrown his arm over his shoulders, telling him something which was inaudible to the viewer. The group of men and two women disappeared into the black minivan.

I had watched it over and over again in my kitchen when Theo had informed me of it blowing up.

It had taken me ages to actually process what the video now meant. No more privacy for me, or for us.

Me having abled him to make us public like this meant that I had also become understanding of my feelings; I wanted more with him, I couldn't try to fight it anymore.


"How did Tim take it?" Linda asked, raising her brows at me from the opposite side of the small round table.

Linda and I had decided to come down to a small coffee shop by the hospital for our a coffee break, joining Elise and Cherry who were also there.

"It doesn't matter! You're together with Theo Black!" Cherry squealed quietly, taking my hand in hers and squeezing gently.

I gave her a small smile, "we're not together, Cher."

Cherry had been so naïvely excited for me after seeing the video, but Linda knew better.

"Tim, he... I don't know," I sighed, shaking my head. Since he wasn't a doctor I worked with at the hospital, I didn't see him everyday, but I still knew he had been avoiding me.

We had set a small lunch get-together later in the week, but other than that I had received no texts from him, no him waiting for me after work for drinks, nor any kind of proof he was still interested in me. I knew this had hurt him, but him and I hadn't ever been together to begin with.

"We're meeting for lunch on Sunday, I'm hoping we can talk it out and somehow remain at least friends," I told the girls, "he's been such a great support for me through the stresses of studies and so on, I don't want him to feel bitterly toward me."

"I liked Tim, he was sweet to you. And less complicated," Elise spoke, a careful smile on her lips, "not that Theo isn't fantastic, it's just that... he's a leo..."

"Once a leo, always a leo," she added, nodding to the girls who agreed with murmurs."

I grinned, "he's a good leo, one of the best I've met."

"You need to invite him to one of our brunches! Aaron could come as well—" Cherry was suggesting, but was cut off by Linda scoffing.

"You're back together with Aaron?" Her frown was directed towards a happy Cherry.

"Aaron's a scorpio, Linds. What else did you expect?" Elise teased.

We chatted and gossiped for the rest of our coffee break, before Linda and I had to head back to the hospital.

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