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I didn't want him to leave.

We had just talked for another hour, completely disregarding the time as we just enjoyed each other's company.

I had never felt this strongly towards anyone, especially someone I'd just met.

I tried multiple times telling myself that the longer this 'date' went on, the less energetic I would be tomorrow to study, but I still couldn't find it in myself to draw the conversation to an end.

He was so intriguing and attractive, and clearly a little interested in me as well.

"Thank you for dinner, this has been nice," I told him once we slowly began making our way towards the front door again.

"Thank you, birdie," I felt his hand on my lower back, thumb moving in slow and torturous circles, "now we're even from you saving my life at the hospital, right?"

"I thought the drinks at the club evened it out?" I laughed quietly, both of us coming to a slow stop and turning to face each other. I so didn't want him to leave. I highly doubted we'd see again.

He gave me a shrug and a smile, "I guess I'll just have to ask for you at the hospital, then, when I get more concussions."

I giggled. Bloody giggled. Since when did I even giggle around men?

Before I had the chance to even reply, he had gently cupped my jaw and leaned in to press his lips against mine.

I was taken aback at first, but soon composed myself and brought my hands up to his hard chest, almost moaning at the feel of it. One of his hands moved down to my hip to pull me against him.

The kiss was gentle, not rushed or overly needy. He was just feeling me, as I was him.

My tongue brushed over his lower lip and soon, our tongues met. It wasn't really a battle for dominance, just a diplomatic and peaceful negotiation before his took charge.

That's when the kiss deepened and turned a tad more... passionate.

I was pushed up against the wall behind me, both of his hands now squeezing my sides. His front pressed against mine, and I quietly gasped when he gently bit my lower lip.

"I've been waiting to do this all night," he chuckled lowly against my lips, not giving me a chance to reply, yet again, before continuing the hot and passion-filled kiss. He definitely knew how to kiss, there was no doubt about it.

I moved my hands up from his chest to his shoulders, squeezing them gently and supporting myself up in the process.

"The way you look in that dress, with your hair like that," he murmured, voice incredibly low while he trailed his lips down to my jaw, before leading openmouthed kisses down my neck.

"And God, your eyes were making me fucking wild all through dinner," he sucked almost punishingly on the sensitive skin at the crook of my neck, and I moaned.

"Theo..." I managed out, not even knowing what I wanted him to say or do. Did I want him to stop?

His lips were on mine again, and without any hesitation I was kissing back.

Frosty made a snarling type of sound from somewhere, clearly not please with how her owner was pressed up against the wall like this, with this incredible man taking her breath away with every swipe of his tongue against hers.

"Piss off," I heard Theo mumble to Frosty, and I couldn't help but giggle again quietly. What was wrong with me? I wasn't a giggler!

"Can I?" He soon rasped out, and I registered one of his hands behind my back, playing with the small zipper of my dress.

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