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(A/N: highkey thirsting over this photo atm 👆🏼🤪🙈💦)

"Scarlett, do you want to come with me to meet my friends?"

I had just stepped out of the kitchen with Anne, the two of us laughing together like two young girls. Theo appeared in front of us, and I calmed myself down.

"What time is it?" I asked, glancing around for a clock.

"9 PM. They're at the only pub around here," he told me, hand running through his hair casually.

"Oh. Well, I mean..."

"They really want to meet you. We've been friends since primary school," Theo added, giving me an encouraging smile, "and I really want you to meet them."

"I guess I could come along," I returned his smile, my arm unlooping from around Anne's. She yawned and turned to give me a hug.

"Great! Let me text them..." Theo's voice faded off when he walked away, typing away on his phone.

I hugged Anne back, revelling in the absolute motherly warmness she radiated. It meant a lot to me that I had connected with her this strongly, taking into account I hadn't had such a pleasant experience with my own mother. I barely had one at all, in a way.

"You're amazing, Scarlett," she told me genuinely, her voice laced with deep emotion.

We pulled back and my brows furrowed at the tears forming in her eyes. She was smiling widely, though.

"They're happy tears, don't worry," she brushed my concern off with a laugh, "I'm just so grateful Theo's found you."

I gave her a small smile, "you're so sweet, Anne. You're going to make me cry..."

She laughed and hugged me again.


Theo had wanted to talk to Anne in private before we left and she retired to go to sleep. I had waited for him in his car after having changed and made sure Frosty had everything she needed.

"How long will we be there?" I asked him while attempting to apply a little bit of lipstick through the mirror while he drove.

It had been a few minutes until we reached any other inhabitation, and found ourselves at a small town.

"As long as you want. You can have a few drinks, then we'll head back," he told me, "we still need to talk."

"Talk?" The way he'd said it made me nervous.

Theo chuckled after having glanced at me, "nothing sinister. Just about our future."

I raised my brows at him, "you're not leaving me again, are you?"

"No, definitely not," he assured me and reached a hand over to place onto my thigh, "I want to talk about you possibly moving in, and so on... I also want to spend time with you. Alone."

I smirked lightly and leaned back in the passenger's seat. The small village seemed to be very full of night life, tipsy adults stopping almost dangerously by the road to take photo's of Theo's car. I knew the windows were tinted, so we weren't recognised.

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