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With Frosty in Theo's arms, I rang the doorbell of the gorgeous white house right by the beach.

No neighbours or other houses were in sight, so I knew this must be a very private and relaxing place for him to come to.

I heard shuffling from inside as I adjusted the bag I was carrying over one shoulder, containing my things for one night here.

Frantically, the door opened and a gorgeous dark featured, and slightly breathless, woman revealed herself standing in the entrance hall.

"Ah!" She almost squealed and raised her arms up, surprising me by almost lunging at me and wrapping me in her arms.

I laughed and hugged her back. This had to be one of the best hugs I've ever gotten. One of those hugs that has you feeling very warm, cared for and appreciated.

"It's so good to meet you..." we pulled back, and I realised I had no idea what Theo's mother's name was.

"I'm Anne. I've been waiting for so long to meet you, Scarlett," and then she was hugging me again, squeezing the life out of me this time, "you're such a beautiful creature."

I laughed gently while my eyes met Theo's dark ones studying me now from inside the house. He had just been observing me, still very caught up with whatever he had been thinking about during the end of the car ride as well, before giving me a small smile and then looking away almost shyly.

"I think I already love you," I told Anne when we pulled back the second time, and a wide smile made the sides of her eyes crinkle. I could tell Theo had definitely received his eyes from her mother.

"I know I already love you, honey. Come in, Ellie's been so excited to meet you as well," she welcomingly took my hand in hers and guided me inside.

The house was gorgeous; everything you'd expect of a house by the beach. I could definitely see myself spending my retirement days somewhere such as this.

"Thomas! Ellie!" She called over to a living room area, from where a man appeared with a blur of blonde hair running around by his feet.

"Well, hello there," Thomas, I presumed, gave me a kind smile and stepped up to me to give me a hug, "it's great to get to meet you."

"You too," I returned his smile once we pulled back from the hug, "I love your shirt."

He was wearing a Coldplay merchandise tee shirt, and I was jealous I hadn't got one like that myself.

"Ah, you like them?" Thomas glanced down at his front briefly, pinching the material.

I nodded, "yes. They're my favourite."

He grinned and looked over at Theo, who had lifted the pretty blonde girl into his arms and was just observing me from afar.

"She's perfect, marry her before I do," Thomas joked lightly and I laughed quietly, carefully taking in Theo's expression.

My laughter died down at how intense his eyes were on mine suddenly, and I felt almost shy. Why was he acting like this?

"You must be Ellie," I cleared my throat and broke away from his gaze, before directing a smile over at the girl in his arms, legs wrapping around the side of his body while her arms hugged his neck.

She blushed when I took a step closer to the two, now standing in front of Theo. She buried her face into his neck, shying away.

"This is Scarlett, Ellie," Theo spoke up, his eyes still focused on me, but now much less intensely. He gave me a small smile and shrug, mentally telling me not to get offended by her shyness.

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