24 (R)

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I was mesmerised.

The way Theo's lips were parted a little and his jaw was clenched had my arousal pooling in my panties. His head was leaned back, pleasured groans rumbling up from his chest whenever I'd take him as far as I could into my mouth and swallow, forcing my throat to close down around him, creating more pressure and feel.

"Shit, baby..." he murmured out, darkened and eyes filled with pure lust finding mine.

I was going slow, trying to make up for my lack of oral-giving. He seemed to be loving this though, which only made me more intent on doing this the best I could. I had my hand wrapped around his base, feeling his member twitching every now and then, replying to my actions.

One last time I managed to suck down on him, twirling my tongue over his tip while moving my hand along the length I couldn't manage to fit into my mouth.

"Stop, stop, stop," carefully, he pried me off him. I was standing on my knees between his open thighs, looking up at him sitting on the edge of my bed.

"That was way too good," he let out a breathless chuckle and pulled me up from the floor to him. His swift action made me let out a small squeal and laugh.

If Theo Black thought my blowjob-skills – which were relatively nonexistent – were 'way too good', my ego was most definitely being fed.

I moved myself to lay down with my head on the pillows. Theo didn't waste any time with rolling a condom on and moving between my thighs.

"I wish you could see yourself right now, you're beautiful," he told me, his hand moving slowly along his condom-covered length while he let his intense gaze move up my body until his eyes met mine again.

I was almost positive of what I looked like; completely flushed, disheveled and incredibly aroused. Without warning, two of his fingers entered me. I still couldn't take my eyes off his. He curled his fingers upward and a quiet murmur of approval left my lips when he pressed up against that certain spot.

"I'm good, I'm ready," I was growing almost impatient. Never had I ever been so needy for someone like this, with my whole body craving them in unspeakable ways.

A small smirk tugged at the side of his lips before his fingers seized movement and pulled out. He was now pressing his tip against my core.

"You're the boss here, birdie," he told me before pushing slowly inside me while kissing me. My hands raised to grip his upper arms, my nails basically digging into the skin by his biceps.

I sighed in relief once he was fully seated inside me. I moved my hands along his hard body to cup his jaw. I guided him down for our lips to meet once he began pulling out, and then pushing back in.

His lips were hungry and passionate, with the kiss soon turning into such as well. I was lost in him, diving right into the deep end and allowing myself to enjoy the immense pleasure he was giving me.

Theo's thrusts gained a little speed, low groans slipping his lips and ending up muffled by our lips together.

"Theo..." I moaned quietly, unable to concentrate on kissing him when his skilled thrusts were sending me into a state of pure bliss.

"Why do you feel so good?" He gave me one almost punishing thrust after grumbling out his question. I hissed and brought my hands to grip his hair while he gently trailed his lips down my neck.

"Scarlett, you're going to ride me," Theo suddenly pulled back, eyes finding mine as his thrusts slowed down to an unbearably torturous pace.

"What?" I was breathless and just stared up at him.

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