54 (R)

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We were both drunk, but I couldn't have cared less.

I wanted us to move on and continue down whatever road we had been heading; return everything to how it was.

"Fuck," he cursed, thrusts wavering as his orgasm approached, "baby, you're going to need to..."

I gasped and let my fingers tug at his hair, when I felt his thumb on my clit.

Theo's movements slowed down and his dark eyes met mine, filled with an emotion I couldn't quite decipher.

"Oh, Lord," I breathed out in pure pleasure when his thumb continued its gentle assault on my small bundle of nerves, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

The way he was watching me right now made this feel all the more intimate. I felt my lower lip tremble a little, overcome with pleasure and feelings for this man.

He seemed to register everything going on inside my head, and leaned down to kiss me. Just as his lips met mine, the first wave of my orgasm broke, my moans muffled by our kiss.

My back arched and I found myself digging my nails into his back, his thumb not removing itself from my clit and instead prolonging my orgasm.

"Shit," he pulled back to grumble, his member twitching inside me a few times before he reached his peak and released inside me.

With a few final and deep thrusts, he collapsed next to me on the bed after abruptly slipping out of me. We were both panting, gazing up at the dark ceiling.


God knows what time it was.

A few minutes passed in complete silence with us just laying there, calming down our breathings and coming down from our states of bliss.

"We shouldn't have done that," Theo seemed to tell himself lowly.

"I'm on birth control, it's fine," I brushed it off, not thinking too much of his words. I turned to cuddle up against his side, smiling in a light and very satisfied manner.

As soon as my hand had met his hard chest and felt just how rapidly his heart was beating, he tensed up before shifting to sit up. My heart sank.

"Shh, honey," I tried to reach for him to pull him back. I watched as he sat up on the side of the bed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Theo, lay back down, everything's okay," my voice was merely a whisper at this point, my eyes feeling like they would close at any second.

Suddenly he got up, and slight panic rose in my body.


"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back," he turned to give me a small and almost sad smile in the dimness, clearly still very conflicted and beating himself up over everything.

I gulped quietly and nodded once, unable to look away from his God-like body, lit up beautifully by the moonlight.

Satisfied with his answer, I cuddled up underneath the duvet and closed my eyes, listening as the door of my bathroom opened and closed.

After a minute, just as I was about to fall asleep, I registered him getting back underneath the duvet next to me.

I was too satisfied to put myself in his shoes, yet still understood why he was acting so distant. I was maybe too naïve to think it would just go away when morning came.

Instead of laying on his back and waiting for me to turn around to cuddle him, Theo's arm slid around my waist from behind and gently tugged my back against his front.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett," his deep voice sent an extremely calming feeling coursing through my body. His lips brushed against the back of my shoulder, and I shivered pleasurably.

"I forgive you."


I woke up to find myself in my empty bed, Theo nowhere in sight.

My alarm had woken me up after just a few hours of sleep, knowing I needed to get to my shift at the hospital in a couple of hours.

"Theo?" I croaked out, thinking he must be in the bathroom.

I received no answer, and immediately an anxious and upset feeling settled within me.

Somehow I managed to get myself out of bed, and noticed none of his clothes were scattered around my bedroom floor as they had been left last night.

I slipped on a simple tee shirt and underwear, before making my way downstairs.

I frowned when I noticed he wasn't there either. He had left, most likely as soon as I had fallen asleep. I felt sad, lost and kind of mad at him.

I found my phone and began calling him. It went straight to voicemail.

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