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(A/N: look at how stunning Natalie Dormer is in this picture! Ahh I love her sm!!👆🏼🤩)

Theo had given me space.

More space than I had expected him to give me, in fact. I hadn't heard from him for a week after him coming over to my house uninvited, nor had I seen any type of news of him.

I knew that winning the World Cup made his schedule more than hectic, with all sorts of publicity events and so forth. England was going absolutely mental over our World Cup win. We had won France 2-1.

Videos were circulating though, of Theo scoring the second goal during the last few minutes, avoiding penalty shots and enabling our win.

I had watched one of the videos. I had had to close it pretty quickly though, because my heart had ached at the sight of him doing my failed rendition of his celebration instead of the proper one he usually used after he'd scored.

Even after everything, I hated to think that while he was playing and filled with good feelings about us, I had been on my way back to England.

Since the photos of Theo and me outside of the restaurant in Russia had began circulating, it hadn't taken long for people to realise he was doing the celebration for me. It made me feel even worse.

The public had begun wondering where he was, since he'd not been to any of the events celebrating England's win. It was almost like he had vanished from the face of the Earth.

As much as I needed space to breathe and think, I missed him and hoped he was dealing with everything okay.

There had been so many late nights after work and study, where I had wanted to text him or call him to make sure he was alright. I didn't make contact with him though, because I wasn't okay with him. I wasn't rushing back to him, even if I did care about him a great deal.

To think I had worked my bum off to be able to go see him in Russia and then it having turned into shit still made me feel frustrated and upset. He knew exactly how much I had had to work to be able to get that weekend off, and hadn't even bothered to have told me the hard truth before it all.

Sunday evening, I received a text from him.

From: Theo: Hey.

I was cuddled up in bed with Frosty laying on top of me. My heart had momentarily stopped at the sudden notification. We hadn't spoke in a week, and I had had a lot of time to process everything. Him and I still needed to talk, though, in person.

To: Theo: Hi

From: Theo: How are you?

To: Theo: I'm good, just about to go to sleep. And you?

From: Theo: I'm good, too. I'm at my parents'.

I cringed, remembering how he had invited me to go along with him to visit them. I wondered if he had told them about how things were between us.

To: Theo: That sounds nice. You deserve a break after the Cup.

From: Theo: I told my mum about what I'd done. She didn't give me pudding after dinner. She's never been this angry with me.

I found myself smiling gently, even if I shouldn't find small comfort in his mother having my side. My whole body felt warm at simply texting him like this, it was oddly calming.

To: Theo: I like her already.

I hope he'd take it in the half-serious way I'd meant it. His reply took a little longer than before, and I nervously awaited to see what it was.

From: Theo: Haha. Are you willing to talk about things now?

To: Theo: Now?

From: Theo: Now, as in during the start of next week. I've given you space and I've taken time to set my priorities in order. If you're willing to hear me out, it would be great.

To: Theo: How's lunch on Tuesday?

From: Theo: Works for me. Yours or mine?

To: Theo: Mine.

From: Theo: Thank you, Scarlett x

I didn't reply to his last message, and instead went on to reply to dozens of messages in mine, Linda's, Elise's and Cherry's group chat. Emma and Tim had also sent me messages, so I replied to those.

Louis had kicked Lucy out of his life and had gone back into rehab. I was going to visit him tomorrow, but I knew that this time he really was on the right track.

( A/N/again:

thank you endlessly for the lovely feedback, you're all so incredibly special, kind and good people!❤️ )

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