61 (R)

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"Is she asleep?" I whispered once Theo closed and locked the door of our room behind him.

"Yeah," he breathed out and ran his hand through his hair. He turned towards me.

I had gotten ready for bed by taking my makeup off, brushing my teeth and changing into a simple tee shirt with panties.

Something seemed to click in his head while he took me in, laying on the bed with a book in my hand.

"Take your shirt off, love," he spoke while making his way towards his bag of clothes.

A quiet giggle left my lips and I sat up on the bed, my back now resting against the headboard. I placed my book on the bedside table.

"Very forward. I like it."

He shook his head with a small grin after having grabbed an item of clothing. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.

"Wear this," Theo handed me a hoodie. I immediately realised it was his team's hoodie; the one he'd given to me ages ago. The hoodie I had left in Russia, along with the evening gown, when I had been unsure and hurt over us.

His dark eyes took my expression in carefully, before I comfortably slipped the tee shirt off and replaced it with his hoodie.

"Happy?" I gave him a small grin, and he smiled.

"Very," he leaned in to gently kiss me, his fingers moving into my hair from over my ear.

"Are you tired?" He murmured quietly, making no move to pull back from my lips.

"A little. I can't believe you're the reason why Ellie just cursed," I had to pull back, frowning with distaste.

His brows furrowed, "I only said one cuss down there. I didn't know she'd even be there and parrot it..."

I shook my head with a small sigh, "I thought you were trying to cut back with cussing?"

"I got carried away, birdie," he brushed it off, "I have something else I want to give you..."

"Theo..." I grew incredibly hesitant when he got off the bed and moved over to his bag again, "I don't want anything..."

Theo glanced back at me with a mischievous grin, clearly up to something. Other wise he completely ignored me and instead fished something out. He held it behind his back while making his way back to me.

The duvet was pulled up to cover my legs, my hands patiently situated on my lap.

"I found this in Russia. Open it," with a careful smile, he handed me a black satin box. It wasn't one for a ring; it was too wide and flat. It must be a necklace.

I decided to stop whining and just open it. What my eyes then landed on, I really hadn't been expecting.

"Do you like it?"

I was occupied admiring the necklace. It had a thin silver chain, decorated with a beautiful flower which had a small diamond on its center.


"I'm not telling you how much it cost, it really wasn't too much," he was chuckling quietly to himself, almost a little nervously since he knew how against I was at the idea of him buying me anything.

"You got me the cross," I looked up to watch him taking the cross out from inside his shirt, "I wanted to get you a necklace as well."

It made me smile. It made me happy knowing he was still wearing the cross which I had bought him.

I leaned in and kissed him.

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