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"Mum, she said yes," he had called Anne as soon as we had returned to his car.

I was a teary and overjoyed mess, and laughed at the sound of Anne screaming through the speaker.

"She wants to speak to you," he turned to me with the widest smile, offering his phone.

Theo's dark eyes shone brightly when I brought his phone up to my ear, observing me with such adoration and love it made me want to melt into a pool of coziness.

"Welcome to the family, my love!" I could tell Anne was crying, but sounded to happy while yelling this through the phone.


"Theo, I really need to go..." I giggled lightly against his lips.

"Just a few more minutes," he murmured, hands in my hair and cupping the back of my neck to keep me against his lips.

"Theo," I gently placed my hand on his chest to make him pull back a little, "I'll be late."

He sighed, no longer kissing me as his dark eyes met mine, "alright."

I sat back in the passenger's seat and began getting ready to open the door, "will you make sure to feed Frosty?"

"I will," Theo chuckled and shook his head a little, "I'll go leave the ring in for resizing, and then I have practice. Alfred will come pick you up."

"I can take the bus," I assured him and opened the car door.

"No," he shook his head determinedly, "I pay Albert to drive me around, you included. We'll order takeaway once you get home."

"Okay," I smiled at his use of 'home' when talking about his house in which I had promised to stay tonight.

We kissed, and I was soon on my way towards the changing room inside the hospital, where I changed into my scrubs.

I bumped into Tim, and he walked with me a bit down the hospital hallways as I neared the room I had to check up on.

Daniel had been able to leave a few weeks ago, and I found myself often missing him during my coffee breaks, simply wanting to go to the room he'd been in, find him, and chat with him.

"Would you and Theo be willing to come to dinner at mine next weekend? Mary really wants to meet you," he gave me a sweet smile.

"That's sounds like a great idea. I'll ask Theo about it tonight," I returned his smile, coming to a slow stop by the room Dr Stanley had told me to handle first, "I'm sure he'll agree. I'll text you later."

"Okay, great!" He nodded, straightening his doctor's coat, "have a nice shift."

"Thanks, you too."

I entered the hospital room humming quietly to myself, feeling like nothing could really get better than this. Theo and I were engaged, as surreal as that still felt, and I could not comprehend how in love with him I was. Everything seemed perfect.

My light smile faded and my steps faltered when my eyes landed on Carmen on the hospital bed.

It was crystal clear from her reaction, that she hadn't been expecting to see me here either.

"Hello," I gathered myself and remained professional despite everything.

I still felt uncomfortable at the thought of her and Theo having had a sexual relationship. Also, the fact that she had blackmailed him for money with an illegally taken video of them, made me want to say a lot of rude things to her.

"What are you doing here?" she didn't sound happy while I checked her stats.

My brows furrowed, having to read over them twice. Carmen was in here for a suspected tumour, that could lead to breast cancer.

"I'm here to check up on you before Dr Stanley comes in," I cleared my throat and focused over at her, "how are you feeling?"

"I have a migraine. Get me a painkiller," she spoke and acted as if on a higher level.

I gave her a small smile, knowing kindness and care was the way to create peace, even with Carmen.

I went to get her the painkiller and returned not long after with it and a plastic cup of water.

"Carmen, I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you in Russia," I cleared my throat gently as she finished swallowing the pill. Her eyes narrowed at me hesitantly.

"Are you being serious?" She laughed.

"I am. I wasn't in a good place, I'm not someone who'd ever physically hurt anyone," I told her, wanting to clear the air before continuing to change the medication she was taking through a drip, "I'm apologising for almost attacking you, and also for calling you a bitch. They were both uncalled for and very immature moves from me."

Carmen stared at me, and I was beginning to grow even more uncomfortable.

"I'm the one who should be apologising," I hadn't been expecting the words she then spoke as she glanced away and shifted on the bed, "not you."

It was as if her hard exterior was fading. It might very well be because none of her friends were here with her and she had no reason to hold a grudge against me.

"It's not a matter of who should apologise. We both do, but I'm apologising to you for the way I acted," I told her, and her eyes raised back up to meet mine, "I'm sorry. Do you accept my apology?"

"I do. I'm sorry also... for, you know..."

"I accept your apology too," I gave her a small smile when I realised she was growing uncomfortable with continuing her sentence. She knew how wrong she had done Theo and me, and what mattered now was that she showed the remorse that she was showing. I didn't need her to apologise to me for the things she had done to Theo, so I was fine with what I was now getting from her.

"We all have bad days," I added, "I'll change your drip and be on my way."

She watched me for a moment, before a genuine smile formed onto her lips.


"Theo! You'll never believe what happened today," in a happy flurry I entered his overly large house that bordered a mansion, and hurriedly slipped my shoes and coat off.

"Theo? Are you here?" I called, greeting Frosty as she had come to see me at the entrance hall, before making my way towards the living room.

The whole house was dim except the light coming from there, so I assumed that's where he'd be.

"Theo," I smiled as my eyes landed on him sitting on one of the couches, his back turned to me while he leaned against the backrest.

I made my way to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. I kissed his cheek a few times, trying to ignite some kind of reaction from him.

In front of him on a glass coffee table were fresh Chinese takeaway boxes and a few unopened beers.

"Do you want to know what happened to me today at the hospital?" I repeated, my happiness only fading once I had rounded the couch and had taken in his expression.

Theo looked upset, anger and helplessness hidden within his dark eyes.

"Scarlett, I need to talk to you."

Something was very wrong.


Annnnndddd this is where I'll leave you all hanging for the next week!!!

JK <3

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