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"Hey, darling," Tim jogged up to me, smiling widely.

While I returned his smile, his arm was casually flung over my shoulders, and began guiding me to walk alongside him and out of the hospital.

"Where to?" He asked me as we exited the front doors into the chilly autumn breeze. The sun had already set, with street lamps lighting up the sidewalk as well as the large parking lot in front of it.

"I'm just heading home," I told him, definitely not minding him holding me this close to him. It kept me warm from the cold weather, but nothing beyond that, really. "You?"

"I was wondering if you'd be up for drinks with me? There's a nice bar down the street," he suggested, hanging his suit jacket over one shoulder and holding it with a bent finger.

I hesitated. Theo had returned to London today and had texted me in the morning if I was free to go on that date with him now. I hadn't replied, still confused about the photo of him and that model from a week ago. A very powerful part of me still wanted to spend time with him though, just not knowing if tomorrow morning or tonight was best, or if it would lead to any good in general.

"Sure, why not," I finally spoke and Tim smiled again, "just a few drinks though, I have an early morning."

"Yes, of course," he nodded, arm squeezing my side to his very gently, "I'll drive."

We chatted as we walked down the sidewalk, mostly him talking about the four surgeries he had conducted today. I wondered what Theo was doing right now; might he have already found someone to keep his bed warm for the night since I hadn't replied to his message?

The bar Tim brought me to was bigger and more populated than I had expected it to be, but for a few drinks I didn't mind.

We entered and while I went to sit at a table, Tim disappeared in the crowd to get us drinks. I took my phone out to pass the time.

To: Theo: I'm out for a few drinks right now, and then I'll be going straight home. Would you like to meet up for brunch or lunch tomorrow?

I decided to then reply to his earlier message about wanting to meet me. Once the three dots popped up and told me he was typing, I found a small and giddy smile forming onto my lips.

From: Theo: Would you mind if we joined you?

To: Theo: Who's we?

From: Theo: Just Justin, his girlfriend, and I. We're at Club Lagoon now, but I'm beginning to feel like a bit of a third wheel...

To: Theo: Oh, haha. I'm with my friend Tim at the bar down the street from the hospital, Leo's.

From: Theo: We'll be there in ten, love x

Just as I placed my phone down, Tim sat down opposite me and handed me a beer.

"What's going on? Why are you smiling like that?" He chuckled, eyeing me curiously. I let out a gentle and small laugh, accepting the beer and then glancing down at it.

"No reason. Is it okay, by the way, if Theo and two of his friends join us?" I cleared my throat, watching as his smile faded.

"Theo Black? Why?" He seemed confused, and I felt bad. Tim clearly liked me and also knew about what had happened between Theo and me, yet here I was, inviting Theo to join the few drinks we were having with Tim.

"He, uhm... he says he's feeling like a third wheel with his friend Justin and Justin's girlfriend, and thought if he could join us?" I tried giving him a small smile, probably failing miserably at it.

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