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A/N (03/12/18): I'm so confused, this book is #1 in Romance out of 208K stories?!?!?! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE LIKING THIS STORY xx THANK YOU <3


"What's wrong?" I sat myself down right next to him, watching as he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

It seemed almost as if Theo was avoiding eye contact, his troubled gaze now firmly focused on the coffee table in front of us. He cleared his throat and shifted to lean forward and rest his elbows on his knees.

"Theo?" I was growing worried, my body turned to his and legs lifted up on to the couch, "talk to me."

"This isn't public information," he began, voice low, "it will be tomorrow, though. BBC has the first rights to report about it after the announcements, and then it'll be blowing up from there..."

As much as I wanted him to tell me as fast as possible, due to my growing anxiety, I had to let him go at his own pace.

"Only a handful of people know this, Scarlett," he continued calmly, "the people who are at the top, including my coach, me... not even Justin, or my mum. I need you to hear this from me."

"Okay," I was trying my hardest to be patient and understanding with whatever this was, even if a dull ache had settled over my heart and my breathing felt a little constricted.

"It's transfer season... sorry, you have no idea what that means, do you?" he ran a hand through his hair again with an almost sad chuckle. Theo then turned his gaze towards mine, surely seeing how much I was over-thinking and stressing now.

Whatever transfer season was, I didn't like the word 'transfer'.

"You know the club I'm playing for now?" his dark stayed on mine, taking in my reaction.

"Yes..." I replied warily.

"I'm the best player in the world at the moment, which means there's a high demand for me in other clubs... with my contract, there's a buyout clause," he began explaining, but once realising he had already confused me way too much, changed his tactic, "if Man City wants to have Cristiano playing for them, they have to pay Juventus whatever amount Cristiano has in his contract with Juventus. The amount is a buyout clause. Are you following?"

"I think so," my voice was quiet, really expecting for the worst here.

"Good. My buyout clause was around 250 million, so it kind of guaranteed my stay here in London. But now, that I passed Cristiano on the Fifa charts, there's grown demand..."

The kind of money associated with football was way out of my understanding. Theo was basically worth 250 million pounds. That was insane to me.

"Oh," I didn't yet know how to react or what to say.

"There's a good chance I might be switching clubs, Scarlett."

I was quiet for a moment, not wanting to feel like things were slowly crumbling down. There had to more than one good football club in this area, right? It wasn't like he was moving to another--

"Real Madrid wants to transfer me over."

I felt my heart up in my throat, "Real Madrid... which is in..."

"Madrid. Spain," Theo now looked back at the coffee table.

"You're moving to Spain?" my voice came out only as a whisper, my heart taking its time painfully breaking. I couldn't deal with this right now, everything had been so amazing just ten minutes ago.

"It's likely," he clearly, a breath leaving his lips before he ran his hands over his face in slight frustration, not happy with this.

I knew exactly why he felt the way he did. He was choosing between me, as well as his family and friends, and his career.

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