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It had to have been around one in the morning.

I had been laying in bed, mind running wild with different possibilities that would have led to Lucy's and Theo's suspicious conversation which then resulted in him basically avoiding me for the rest of the evening.

While he had gone on a two hour long run, I spent time with dad, Louis and Lucy in the living room. We had watched a black and white film which my father had requested, since it was his favourite.

Lucy and Louis had retired to go to sleep before Theo had even returned. My dad and I had stayed up talking.

When Theo did return, he wished my father good night and once more a happy birthday, and a short good night to me. I hadn't even received a kiss from him.

I felt like the bridges between my father, Louis and me had been restored, but the bridge between Theo and I was wavering in the wind, the structures unsure. Maybe it was just me and my over-thinking mind.

I couldn't help but feel as if I'd done something wrong. Why else would he have suddenly pushed me away as he had done?

The door of my bedroom creaked open.

I had my back turned to it, with an empty space on the bed behind me.

Since he had been so cold to me, I hadn't even initiated any sneaking around tonight.

I knew this was Theo, though, now sneaking into my room.

The door closed, and quiet footsteps neared me. I kept my eyes closed, awaiting his next move.

"Scarlett?" His voice was low and quiet, warmth flooding my body immediately after hearing it.

"Yes?" I whispered, still not turning around to look at him. It was very dark anyway, I doubt I could have sen him.

"Can I sleep in here?"

I was tired. I should have sat up and asked him to tell me what the hell had been going on. Or I should have said no, taking into account his attitude towards me earlier.


An almost relieved breath left his lips and the next thing I knew, he was getting onto the bed and underneath the duvet.

I only had on very unattractive panties and his hoodie. Knowing Theo usually slept naked, I wondered now if he was. He wouldn't risk getting caught sneaking into my room naked, though.

"Can you still drive me to the airport tomorrow?" He asked after a moment.

My eyes were open now, my chest feeling constricted.

I had definitely expected and hoped for him to say something completely different; explain what was going on and maybe even apologise for being so cold, but no.

"Yes," I replied quietly, hating the space between us. It was not only physical, but also emotional now that I was positive there was something important he wasn't telling me.

I felt him turn onto his side from his previous position on his back.

"Theo—" I was beginning to ask him what he'd been talking about with Lucy. I knew that he was aware of what was on my mind.

"Not now," he murmured, his arm snaking over my waist to gently pull my back against his front. I was holding the duvet tightly against my chest, feeling the sweatpants he was wearing.

"When, then?" I sighed, understanding that if what they'd been talking about was such a big deal since it had abled him to get so cold and now unwilling to discuss with me, it would surely end up biting us in the bum.

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